Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh for ratings sake!

So. Over. Twitter.

Tonight at least.

I could not get the page to refresh for the life of me and then it was taking eons to update my status so I quit. Kind of like Ali quit The Bachelor so she could pursue her career (i.e as the next Bachelorette). Just saying.

I really enjoyed The Women Tell All. Some highlights...
  • The drama was tangible. I could almost feel Rozzy's deathstare through the television. +12 for ABC.
  • The unseen footage that quotes several of the girls referring to Tensley's Disney-esque personality. Vienna saying that she dreams in cartoons was just plain hilarious. + 1 for Vienna.
  • I was glad Elizabeth admitted that her kissing rule was ridiculous. + 1 for Elizabeth
  • Jake's outfit being sterotypical Jake. - 2 for unoriginality + 2 for staying true to himself.
  • I just can't believe Roz. I can't. Something happened. Whether it was as dramatic as the network made it out to be is anyone's best guest, but something questionable happened between her and that producer. I mean, Ella called her out on it, for goodness sake. Ella! -20 for Roz. Own up sister.
  • I had trouble swallowing Ali's sencerity when apologizing to Vienna. For ratings sake, it was staged! She'll be the next Bachelorette. And I haven't even read Reality Steve for that one. {And, yes, I'll totally watch her and her yellow dresses take on group dates and fantasy suites. I can only hope Jake and Vienna drop in to help her choose. For ratings sake, of course.} -2 for apology +5 for choosing a non-yellow outfit and accidentally saying FART on TV.
  • I kinda like Christina and wish she would have made it longer, even if she did make parting gifts for the girls on Day 1. + 10 just cause I like her.
  • GWoww stayed true to her Jersey roots by rocking a sparkly purple number. +1 for wearing something I never would.
  • Also, -50 for Twitter. It still won't let me log on. 45 minutes later. Arrrrgh.

Sorry I don't have any fav tweets! I never recorded them before Twitter excluded me.

See you next week for #ATFT for The Final Rose Ceremony!!!!!


  1. My twitter was awful last night and I was getting so mad so I just gave up, it keeping have the tweet capacity overload. I will definitely be there for the finale and twitter better work!

    Oh and I agree with all of the above!

  2. After watching last night I was starting to think there really was something going on with Roz & the producer as well...until I read this:
    I do have a hard time believing Ella would lie though....maybe they offered her money knowing people would believe her? I know a single mom like her may not turn down a lump of cash if offered.


Babble back y'all