Sunday, February 28, 2010

Picky Picky

The above look absolutely epitomizes this stinkerpants' attitude toward nutrition lately. I commiserated with Kate, as she recently posted that her little peanut was going through the exact same thing: a food boycott.

I have no idea what to do, other than to give him lots of options and hope that he's getting all the vitamins and nutrients he needs from a couple bites of cheese, a quarter cup of yogurt, and a nibble or two of a waffle. And the ocassional Oreo cookie - which he has absolutely no problem eating. I should also note that the only milk he wants to drink is of the chocolate variety.

As with everything at this age, I just keep thinking this too shall pass (i.e. it must be a big, fat PHASE). So, for the time being, even though he'll keep shaking his head and verbally opposing almost every option I offer (yes, he says no quite often these days), I rest easy in the fact that his cheeks seem to be maintaining their chipmunky-ness and his energy abounds. His diet can't be lacking that much.

And, again, there's always Oreos.


  1. I have so much trouble getting anything nutritious into the mouth of my little one. On the upside, those pictures are absolutely adorable!!

  2. I love his little grin in the first picture!!

    I looked for you today at church (we went to late service)!!!! Wish I could have saw ya!

  3. L is almost three and STILL refuses veggies. It drives me crazy. Push the fruit if he'll eat that. I think I might get that book about hiding veggies in recipes...I'll let you know if I find anything good. Love the first shot, btw!

  4. Becks looks ROTTEN in that first shot. And by rotten I mean unbelievably adorable.

  5. OMG! Riley is going through that same "phase" only his has seemed to last for the past 3 or 4 months! He refuses to eat anything of nutritional value & L-O-V-E-S cookies! It's all he'll eat so I'll admit, I let him eat one or two every now & then. At least I know I'm not alone in this battle! Good luck & let me know if you find anything that you have any luck with!

  6. Oh wow, Hunter (my son) is going through the same phase. He wont hardly eat anything I give him & been like this all weekend. It's driving me nuts. I'm sure like any other phase it will surely pass "soon"! :)


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