Friday, February 5, 2010

Prepped for landing, I mean, sanding...

Don't be fooled. Little man only feels good when his tylenol is in full effect. I wonder if his throat is bothering him because as soon as he ate the above-pictured cheese, he held it in his mouth and eventually I had to coax him to spit in in my hand. Lovely.

The rooms are all emptied and ready for their big weekend. B insists that this is all going down this weekend, despite the impending snowstorm of doom. I did my part and prepped everything, so Becks and I will hang out at B's parents' house (probably snowed-in) and B is going to work at our house. He's nervous about doing it by himself. {If you've ever finished hardwood yourself, all tips are welcome! We don't want to mess anything up.} However, if it doesn't work out, there's always carpet, right?

The kitchen finally has a use other than sitting around being ugly. Sorry, kitchen. Sometimes the truth hurts. And, yes, I moved the matress and box springs myself. {Insert smug smile here}

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some updates throughout the weekend. Off to pack our bags!

PS. Good luck Josh and Michelle. Can't wait to meet Baby P!!!!!! Thinking about y'all :)


  1. Love Becks face in that pic! He looks like he has a funny little personality! Good luck with the snow storm and the sanding!!

  2. Can't wait to see the pictures of the after and I hope little man feels better!

  3. It's going to be so pretty! Still sending get well wishes to Becks!


Babble back y'all