Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Would you believe, another snowday?!

Lovin' this...

Sick of this...

Ready to go home to this...

Three coats down, one more to go. Toestrips in place and we'll be in business. My husband is a trooper! The floors look beautiful. Thanks, B!


  1. Super cute jammie pick of little man! Floors are looking good, been there done that with the whole process, such a pain!

  2. Oh, you MUST tell me where you got the peace sign pjs.

  3. B is just too cute!!
    I am so sick of the snow too! I love being home with Brody.. but sick of the snow!! Come on spring!!

    Your floors look great!!

  4. Pass some of that snow down south if ya don't mind! :) I'd love to have a snow day or two...but I definitely see how you'd be tired of it by now! Floors look great btw.

  5. Hopped over from Jennifer Harris's blog (adventures with Austin)--we live in the DC area (got hit w/30+ inches in a week), so I understand where you are coming from about snow! We're so ready for spring!

    our blog:

  6. I´m ready for spring too! It´s snowing all the time in Germany too. So sick of it. I´m so done with wearing boots...
    Your floors look really beautiful!


Babble back y'all