Monday, March 29, 2010

Just a regular old Monday

We were away this weekend. At the Lakehouse with the whole fam. The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday, though I fully admit to lazing around inside watching The Blindside and basketball games for most of the day. Both were, ahem, semi-disappointing.

I know, I know, The Blindside is like everyones favorite movie, and while, yes, it was good, it wasn't near as good as I imagined it to be. Too much hype. However, how cute is the name Collins? Love that.

I also watched Precious today which was exactly as disturbing as I expected it to be. Shoo. Nauseating. It made me sad for all children that suffer any form of abuse. Absolutely absurd.

And then there was the Wildcats, who played literally the worst game of their entire season on Saturday night. The entire Bluegrass State mourned this loss together, and even Becks in his blue and white chanting Go, Cats! wasn't enough to warrant a win.

There is really nothing to report here. It's rainy and glum and I probably should be doing laundry, but what's new?

Also, Spring Break 2010 is only TEN days away. Thank. Goodness.



  1. Oh no, I loved the Blindside! We did a whole lotta basketball watching this weekend too. Hubbs was in 1st place ($380 dollars in sight) for a bit until Kentucky lost. Blah! Oh well. The weather was beautiful here, too :)

  2. I agree, The Blindside WAS good! Really good. I think I just expected it to be super great fantastic (i.e. the best movie I'd ever seen)based on what everyone had said about it. My expectations were too high! I have to admit, Rudy is still one of my fav feel-good sports flicks!

  3. my boyfriend, who is an avid Louisville fan, was even cheering for the cats. Sadly even THAT wasn't enough!

  4. I really want to see the Blind Side but I am afraid my expectations will also be too high. I've actually been talking to several people about that movie today. And Collins is a VERY cute name!!

  5. Me and my sister loves The Blindside. It was indeed good. It must be recommended!

  6. Sounds like you guys had a nice weekend, although I'm sad to hear that the Blindside was disappointing. I was hoping that it would be great!


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