Monday, March 15, 2010

Perfumed Product Phenomenon

The other day I had some girlfriends over for a gab and grub sesh, so I felt compelled to clean everything. You know, in case they looked into my linen closet and wondered why I was storing 11 bottles of half-used, outdated Victoria's Secret products. Because, that would totally be a fair question considering the evidence that surfaced when I emptied the closet.

ELEVEN, friends. ELEVEN!

And, I don't even use them. Not one of them! While I did have a year-long affair with Pure Seduction, I haven't used it regularly since before I was pregnant. All of the others were either purchased in a 5 for $25 deal (because darnit that's a good deal), or were given to me as gifts. Which, by the way is one of my gifting pet peeves. Scents are so personal, why would someone assume you might actually enjoy wearing Amber Romance, you know?

More importantly, why exactly have I been keeping all of these almost-emptied tubes and bottles? It's a phenomenon that escapes me. I really don't know. I ended up throwing all of these away.

Anyway. Are any of you perpetually storing perfumed products?


  1. Absolutely.That is like the #1 teacher gift. I told my kids every year to please NOT get me smelly lotions. I can't wear them. I have really dry skin and it really dries me out.

  2. Ya know I could probabaly go through all of my "stuff" and could find this many too so don't feel bad!! :)

  3. Without a doubt. I think we do it when we find a scent we like- in preparation for them discontinuing. When cleaning to wedd out moving some of our junk I found so many half burned candles and lotion bottles. Filled a trash can!

    I agree with it being a forbidden gift. It's like a go-to gift for teachers. How about volunteering to grade some papers :)

  4. You should see my closet!!! 11 is nothing! :) I have probably joke...of those half used bottles. I cannot throw them away, though. I just can't do it...I love smells so much and I think that maybe one day I'll want to put some of that lotion on again. :) Good for you for getting rid of them, though. It always feels so good to clean out clutter! Happy Monday!

  5. I sell Avon so I really have a problem! I do use all of my stuff, but I don't even want to count the bottles. And I am SO with you on the perfume for other people if you don't know "their" scent. I used to work at Bath and Body Works and I hated when people would ask me to help them pick out a scent for someone. I think that is crazy!

  6. I moved this summer, and threw so much stuff out. It felt good. Otherwise, I would have lots of these kinds of products stacked up.

  7. I am the same way!!! I try to justify why I need to keep them each time I clean out my lotion/spray hoarding cabinet. I just can't part from a half-full bottle of Honeysuckle lotion!

  8. I throw that stuff away all the time! This may sound bad, but sometimes if I get something from Bath and Body or VS and I don't like the scent I will take it back to the store and ask for a store credit to use towards something I will actually use. I have used baby lotion and one perfume everyday since high school and don't plan to change!

  9. you are too funny! it's about time i go through all my little collections and make some cuts.

  10. that is hysterical. it was like you were describing me to a T.

    i also can't stand when people give me these as gifts. or worse...the knockoff brand ones. grr. i shouldn't hate when someone gives me a gift ever. but i do when it is one of these.


  11. I used to have this problem with Bath and Body Works, think Country Apple, Sheer Fresia, and Sweet Pea, and I'm so thankful I'm past the days when people gift these to me!

  12. Stopping by through 6 Degrees of Blogging.
    Sadly, I can relate to the half empty bottles of spritzers, lotions and perfumes in my bathroom. I have been tempted to throw them away and then I think maybe, just maybe I'll feel like Country Apple or Sweet Pea again. They do make good room scent deodorizers in place of air fresheners from the store. I have dogs and they also make good perfumes for them. What's a little bit of apple smell on the dog. lol.


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