Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Until Next Time...

It's hard to believe that another season of The Bachelor has come and gone. I had a great time tweeting with everyone and am looking forward to May for Ali's season on The Bachelorette. From Crazy Michelle to Two-Timing Roz to GWoww to Ariel to Ursula Sausage Vi, I think we can all say that, if nothing else, this season was surely entertaining. And made more so by following all of the witty, snarky, and downright hilarious tweets during our weekly #ATFT sessions.

I can't say that I felt disappointment last night after Jakiepoo proposed to Vienna. That was what I felt a month ago when I read Reality Steve and he forewarned us that she would be The Chosen One. I spoiled the fun myself by reading it, though I probably would have figured it out through reading tweets and blogs alike. It seems to be what everyone is talking about!

Though I don't foresee their relationship lasting long enough for them to tie the knot, he obviously ended the show in love with one hotly contested weenie. I just never got Vienna or her appeal, and I usually left every final rose ceremony thinking Really? REALLY? VIENNA? She had a bad rap from the minute she began gloating over her alone time with Jake and the gnashing teeth of her fellow contestants could be heard through the screen. And I completely agree with Duet Diva that there is probably (hopefully) a lot more to Vienna than the 8 weeks of airtime they gave her. They wanted to display her a certain way and they were successful. Vienna the Villain.

I actually thought Vienna looked great on the After the Final Rose show. Her roots were freshly colored (thank goodness), and they looked like the happy couple you would imagine this show would create. Something was also noteably different about her face, no? Nose job, weight loss, makeup? I don't know, but something was different. Good different.

I might boycott Jason and Molly's wedding. I love Melissa and thought the public dumping was over the top. I just don't have the connection with them that I've had with this season.

However, if Vi and Jake ever walk down the aisle on TV, you better believe I'll tune in. Mainly to see if they serve Little Smokies as an appetizer or if she opts for blonde or brass highlights. Hardy har har.

Tweet you later!


  1. I have to agree Abby! I BOYCOTT Jason and Molly's Wedding! As for this season (and those in the past) I always say to myself I will not watch again, because of the outcome...but then I get wrapped right back into it.

  2. Oh I cannot believe he picked her over T! So crazy, I totally agree with ya!

  3. Ok so I almost fell off the couch laughing so hard at the end with the "On the Wings of Love" song playing! As soon as it was over I am asking myself how I just spent 3 hours wathicng that...but you know I'll be back for the next season. I am just hoping Ali brushes her hair before taping!

  4. My favorite line from that post...
    "Mainly to see if they serve Little Smokies as an appetizer or if she opts for blonde or brass highlights."
    I am dying right now laughing!!!

  5. love this. and i must say i really don't care for v either and i love ali to pieces. &&& i said the same thing... something was different with vi... yes hair. but i think nose job too. hmmm.

  6. I had so much fun tweeting with the #ATFT crew. I def plan to watch the Melaney/Mesnick wedding, but only to make fun of them. He is the worst Bach in Bach history!!! Haha.


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