Thursday, April 1, 2010

I scream, you scream...

It was a Graeters night for Becks.

And a nice, long walk for momma and dada.

Elena's Blueberry Pie ice cream is a great way to end a Thursday.

Oh, boy. This is a glimpse of what we're in for.


Have a Good Friday {wink, wink}.


  1. It has been forever since I had Graeter's but that cone he's eating looks delicious! Maybe if the weather is as nice and warm again tomorrow... ;)

  2. I can't wait for the weather to get warm & stay warm here so we can head out for some ice cream! Mmm.

  3. Blueberry pie ice cream?!? Oh man, that sounds incredible!

  4. Gosh I seem to remember you guys doing a trip to get ice cream FOREVER when Becks was oh-so-itty-bitty. Let me know if you figure out a way to slow down our growin' boys.

  5. can you please mail me a container of Raspberry Chocolate Chip. I am craving much!

  6. Do great minds think alike or what?!? Looks like both our boys rocked the seer sucker and then slipped into yellow polos later in the day on Easter. Becks & Hank MUST be BBF's :)

    PS...LOVE his giraffe easter basket. Too cute.


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