Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's all about the process...

I am knee-deep in home improvement projects this week, and when my newly revamped living space needed a punch of color, I decided to recruit my favorite local artist to create something unique.

Meet my favorite local artist:
Yeah, he's pretty cute. And cheap.

Before he returned from his nap sabbatical, I gathered my supplies and prepped his workspace.

Then, I let the master get to work, while I documented the whole experience.

We should insure these hands ;)

After a final swipe of the brush, he perfected his work.

Then I whooshed him off to the tub. And hung his masterpiece in our living room. The perfect punch of color and kiddo artistry, if I do say so myself. And how cute is that little half-handprint in the middle? Love it.

PS. As a parent and teacher, I have some words of wisdom to offer you: It's all about the PROCESS. Not the PRODUCT. This means, let your child enjoy art without the pressure of creating something beautiful/recognizable - because, often, it is beautiful/recognizable to your child. Children can be easily discouraged and frustrated when they're not achieving perceived "perfection" in their artwork (and in many other areas of life too!). Just let them enjoy being kids, and make the experience of art mean more than creating the next Mona Lisa :)


  1. Perfectly said!

    SOOO cute! I'm definately doing this with Em.

  2. He bakes and paints... I might have to get myself one of those soon, who knew they could be so useful! Haha!

    Too cute and I love your blurb at the end- so true!

  3. I love it! I m so going to try this out :) perfect idea!!

    check out my blog I have a giveaway going on!

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new chairs! And the personalized chalkboard hanging on the wall :)

  5. you KNOW the teacher in me hearts this post. It's soooooooo about the process. And PS...some of the best products come from the PROCESS not PRODUCT pieces! Now how's that for alliteration?!?


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