Thursday, April 22, 2010


{I'm going to complain. Be prepared. It's just been that kind of week. And while I'm fully aware of the MANY MANY MANY blessings in my life, it's nice to able to verbalize it all by blogging my stressors. Sorry in advance!}

It's always something...
I can't even begin to describe the reality in that statement.

I always feel like right when I cross one thing off my to-do list, another -usually larger- to-do is there to replace it. Car drama. House drama. Medical drama. School drama. Money drama. The list goes on and on.

Today, it's car drama.

B was in an accident this morning on the infamous cut-in-the-hill (a well known part of I-75 where we live). B is fine (praise GOD), but the car was not. The front is busted up, and the radiator was leaking everywhere. The car's been towed to the autobody shop, so we're waiting to hear the extent of the damage.

Lovely, right?

And could the timing be anymore impeccable? Without going into detail, I'll just tell you it's not. Not at all. It never is.

I am bummed. Majorly. And I wish I had the answers for why this happened right now. I feel bad for questioning God's timing, though I'm positive that this somehow fits into his master plan of making me a better budgeter and a better preparer for life's little bumps and bruises. Because, honestly, my budget was completely not ready for the $500 deductible that awaits us. And I'm sure God's plan is much more detailed than making me more budget-savvy, but that's the only thing I can come up with right now.

Again, we truly are blessed and are fortunate that the car was the only thing physically hurt in the accident.

Drive safe today and always!


  1. It's totally fine to have a vent session every once in a while! It is so true that there's ALWAYS something!! Glad to hear that B is ok, but so sorry to hear about the car and the money stressor. Hope everything will work out!! On the plus side tomorrow is FRIDAY!

  2. Abby-
    I know all about it! When it rains it pours. When I was 6 months preg. with Clark I was hit but a guy with NO INSURANCE! The damage to my car was $6,000. We had to pay the $500 deductable and I was so upset. Timing was awful. I understand about tight budgets and it is good to hear someone else does too! Stay positive. Something great will happen soon!!
    Love the pizza pics by the way!

  3. So sorry this happened, but also very glad B is ok!

  4. First off, I am very glad to see that he is okay! That is what matters first and foremost. Second, with just having an accident myself a week and a half ago. Car drama t-totally stinks and I could vent for hours about it right now! I am so sorry that you guys are going through this now too!

  5. Glad he's okay!! And we all need to vent, heck that's why I tweet and blog:) I will pray for you guys!

  6. Oh Abs I'm so sorry!! I completely understand, if it isn't one thing- it's another, and it's totally ok to vent on your blog.

    So glad that B is ok!

  7. Pray that your weekend is better than your week! It's true, when it rains it pours. And it's just fine to vent sometimes!

  8. So sorry to hear about the accident, but glad he is okay. And everyone has days or even weeks were life is tough. It's good to let others know that life isn't always perfect. Hope your weekend shapes up to be a good one!

  9. So sorry girl. We are always stating the same thing in our home. The cut in the hill is scary, and I hate driving on it. So glad B is okay. Praying for you all to find peace and the funds needed. I know it is crazy stressful!

  10. So glad he's okay! And look at you, being positive about something so negative!! You are amazing.

  11. Abs-you are LITERALLY recapping what happened to Colin and I two months ago...same ANNOYING car accident and blasted $500 deductible. I'm so sorry girl. Hope your having a relaxing, stress-free weekend!

  12. Glad he's safe, that does suck though! I hope you get a little bit of sunshine in your cloudy day soon! Although with that adorable little mister, I don't know how you couldn't smile just looking at him!


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