Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Wedding Extravaganza!

This weekend was super busy. We left on Saturday for Lexington and brought Becks with us to Keeneland for the last Saturday races of the spring. He was totally into the horses but was a little overwhelmed by "lots of people," as he put it. And, of course, he had a hotdog - a must when you're at the track. We ran into Mama Suz and her sweetie pie, Jackson. Of course, we had to pose for the complimentary blog pic :)
Then we went to a wedding and Becks stayed with my sister at the ADPi House, no less. Do I not have some gorgeous sistas? And, yes, you might recognize the famous Dotor Bwomer and Rachie from Babywebbsite. (L to R: Dotor Bwomer, Mer Mer, Allison, me, Rach, and Katie) We are quite the crew when we get together, and only feel a smidge bad for the guys as they have to listen to us reminisce and retell the same stories for the 102nd time.

This is Laurann and Gonz, the bride and groom. They were stunning. It was like watching a real, live Barbie gliding down the aisle.

Wedding weekend didn't stop there. We made it home around midnight, and then it was off to Crestwood for a bridal in honor of Amy, one of my BFFs. (Allison and I are both in her wedding in June. And then Amy and I are both in Allison's wedding in October. Amy and Allison were both in my wedding *gasp* FOUR years ago! Crazy!) (L to R: Allison, cutie preggo, Lins, Amy, me)

It was a great weekend!


  1. So great to see you and to catch up in person - although I stalk your blog, of course:). Love ya, sister, and look forward to our zoo trip.

  2. I just had to comment and say that I LOVE her wedding dress!


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