Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Birthday Party Pics

Beckham had a wonderful birthday weekend. We opted for a low-key pool party at his Nana and Papa M's house and Beckham loved it. We swam, at a delicious dinner and cake, opened presents and then swam some more. A perfect way to turn two!

How awesome is that cake?! Courtesy of my talented mom!
PS. Nanas & Bobo, how come y'all aren't in any pictures????


  1. Oh my goodness...I cannot believe how big he has gotten....what a wonderful day and cute cake!

  2. looks like fun! that cake is amazing! is that brown sugar coming from the dump truck?

    happy bday beckham! :-)

  3. What a perfect party for 2!! Your mom did an awesome job on that cake- I'm so impressed!!


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