Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just hanging out...

It's been a busy week so far! We spent last Wednesday through Sunday out of town, so pictures from our Gatlinburg vacation are soon to come. But, for now, I have several grad school assignments to complete, another vaca to prepare for, and 1st grade school work to do. And, most importantly, a waffle to toast!
Talk to you soon!


  1. Abby, I just love this little man! This pic to too funny! He's just in the words of Fresh Prince, "sitting back, chillin' relaxin' all cool" :) I would love to see more videos of this little guy, can we see some more?

    PS. Is was SO SO good to see you the other weekend!! Miss you girl!! xoxo

  2. He looks like such a big boy in that pic!

  3. So cute!! Nice to squeeze in a vacation between grad school and prepping for 1st graders!


Babble back y'all