Monday, June 14, 2010

Wedding Weekend #1

We've been in Louisville all weekend attending the wedding of one of my BFFs, Amy. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid, and it was fun to escape for a weekend away child-free (though I don't think I can even tell you how much I missed Becks while we were gone!). It was super fun to get all dolled up with B and stay in a fancy hotel. FYI: I can barely type due to the set of fake nails I have yet to take off.

Pay no attention to the state of my frizzball hair in the above picture. It was a humid 90 degrees the entire time we were there and my attempt at a little curl went all frizztastic on me the night of the rehearsal dinner. It was a valiant effort, nonetheless.

Here are some pics of the absolute gorgeous bride. Really, she could have been modeling for a magazine.

The bride and her groom, Ryan.

Me and B mugging for the camera.

Me and my bestie, Allison. You're next sister!!!!!

Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Babble back y'all