Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 Posts in One Day. Grad school classes are definitely over.

Things I'm Thinking About Presently:

1. Why can I never find the mute button on the remote?

2. If I ever have a landline, I might make a special effort to find a Duck Phone that quacks instead of rings.

3. If I had an acronym to describe my life, it would not be GTL. Mainly because I passionately hate doing laundry.

4. I might be watching JS reruns right now, while I cut out laminated cubby tags for my classroom that doesn't even have any cubbies. Wishful thinking and/or preparedness.

5. I never told you how sad I am that my favorite scripted reality TV show has ended. I loved The Hills. Every season. Even with KCav. The ending was phenomenal and I watched it by my lonesome, drinking cherry wine in Michigan. I quite possibly teared up a bit when Holly got emotional over Heidi's disappearance.

6. I have started reading Breaking Dawn. Bella and Edward are about to tie the knot. I never finished Eclipse, though I saw the movie on opening night and loved it. Since I have almost 2 years to finish the last book, let's hope I can make it.

7. I found another great buy from Walmart! Especially for us elementary educators! They are carrying a line of {PJ} tops right now sporting Dr. Seuss characters! First Eric Carle, and now Seuss! Love it. And it's only 7 bucks. Perfect for Dr. Seuss' birthday celebration in March. And to wear out running errands in July ;)

8. Please refer to above pic for proof that I do, in fact, make my bed daily. It just so happens that for the majority of the WIWW outfits, I hadn't made it yet...

9. Movies I currently have from Netflix to watch: The Time Traveler's Wife and Remember Me. Seen them?

10. School starts three weeks from yesterday. Siiiiiiiiigh. Back to cutting out cubby tags.


  1. I loved drinking wine and watching the hills - never had cherry wine though, that sounds delicious!!

    And I was pretty negative about Time Traveler's Wife, but I ended up really liking it a lot!

    Enjoy your last few weeks of summer!

  2. Love the shirt! So want to see Time Traveler's Wife too...let us know if you like it:-)

  3. What a great Dr. Suess shirt :) Schools in my town start house is tonight! Too early if you ask me!

  4. My two roomates at college are early childhood education majors. I love getting to watch them do all of their fun projects! I think it is so cool that ya'll get to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! Sometimes makes me wish I would have chosen to be a teacher!

  5. Congrats on finishing grad school! That's a great accomplishment... and a great feeling too! I'm in education as well. You're pics are really cute! I enjoyed your blog!

  6. I didn't like Time Traveler's Wife. The book was hard to read and the movie was confusing. I really liked Remember Me. Like, for real. I'd watch it again.

  7. Both movies are so sad!! Remember me has a super surprising ending!! Watch that one first!!

  8. I was wondering if you were watching Jersey Shore! haha. I really hope you are watching the new season right now. Snooki's Obama comment cracked me up. Bahaha.

  9. love point 2 if you find one let me know lol
    point 5 ME TOO lol only I haven't seen the finale yet as im in the UK.
    point 9 - yes to both - loved them both too.

  10. I loved The Time Traveler's Wife! And I need to go get that shirt to wear to school on Dr. Suess' birthday. Let's hope I lose enough of the baby weight to fit into a decent size by then.

    Oh- and I am right there with you mourning The Hills ending.

  11. I liked The Time Traveler's Wife. Like the book more...I want to see Remember Me so be sure to mention if it was good or not!

    I didn't watch this last season of the hills even though I watched EVERY season before it. Not sure why I didn't I just think I was over it. But I did watch the season finale!

  12. I got some of the pjs at WalMart, but I didn't see those shirts! I have never bought clothes there, but their graphic stuff is really cute now.

  13. I'm sooo excited that I saw this (via Melissa at Love, Marriage and a Baby Carriage)! I'm loving your blog...we start school the week after you so nothing will be photographable this week. Oh well. Did you hit the Target dollar section yet? I grabbed a set of Dr. Seuss pencils for the big day in March! Thanks for the tip on the shirt!


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