Friday, July 23, 2010

:::Changes for The Babblings:::

I have been keeping a life changing secret from my blogging buddies for months now. {And, no, I am NOT pregnant. Sorry to disappoint.} And, to you, it may not be a big deal. But it is to our little family.

Meet the new babysitter, pictured below with Beck. We mostly call him Daddy around these parts.

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B will be leaving his job mid-August to go back to school. Full time. He has a couple years ahead of him to complete his bachelor's degree, and I couldn't be more excited or proud of him. It was a tough decision that we spent hours discussing and planning.

Conveniently, B was able to schedule classes on MWF, leaving TR completely open to take Becks to and from preschool, study, and be Mr. Mom - a title he is willing to accept as I begin teaching fulltime a week before he starts back. (FYI: Becks will still go to his Nana's too.} I am also taking two grad school classes this fall, so I'm thinking our lives are going to revolve mostly around school for the next two years: preschool, first grade, and college (hellllllooooo, tax break!). To say our plate is full is a drastic understatement. Holy cow. I'm going to try to not think about how busy everything is going to be.

Nevertheless, budgets are going to be tighter, family time will be appreciated more, and prayer is going to be crucial. It's encouraging to think, though, that when it's all said and done, B will have a degree, I'll have a master's, and Becks will be well on his way to gradeschool (well, that actually scares the poo out of me). Whether or not he'll get a sibling anytime soon is still yet to be determined... Is it okay to s-p-a-c-e them out? We'll see. Only time will tell.
So, that's it. Our big change.

Love you, B.


  1. Best of luck on all the changes! And yes- as an overwhelmed mamma- it is TOTALLY okay to space them out. Heck, I'd recommend a good ten years between kiddos :-)

  2. my hubby too is the "sitter"..LOL
    he loves it...congrats to B, for going back to school

  3. Wow! That is awesome. It takes courage to make changes and I know you will be so happy that you did it! Becks will LOVE all that time with his Daddy!

  4. he has his days but overall he really enjoy's it..those 2 are like 2 peas in a pod. they have there little routine and naptime..LOL
    he has been keeping him since he was born and is he starting MDO this fall and the hubby is sad, his little buddy is leaving him...tell B he is joining the circle..ha/ha

  5. That's awesome. My B did that for a little while between jobs.

    I did think you were preggo for a minute and got super excited. No pressure.

  6. How exciting for you all. I love hearing Dad stay home with their babes too- so sweet. Our family went through something super similar for the last couple years. I did a Master's program, Hubs went back to school and T started preschool. You can do this!!

  7. My husband has stayed home with our kids for the last 2 years and is now going back to school. Great to find you and God bless! Please check out my blog and book for working moms! -Susan

  8. How exciting Abby! Everything will work out and it will all be great!

    I think it is okay to space them out, but then again, this is a girl who has ZERO kids ;)

  9. So exciting!! Congrats to B for going back to school and even though you'll be busy you'll totally make it work!

  10. How exciting! My husband has been toying around with this idea (for a few years) so I'll be anxious to follow your story and see how it works for you all! Best wishes:-)

  11. Prayers being sent your way. Wild & exciting times. But very good times for the three of you. And I give me "it's okay to s-p-a-c-e them out vote!" :)


Babble back y'all