Saturday, July 3, 2010

Kickin' off the 4th!

I would like to report that I found the camera battery charger, but, alas, I did not. I did, however, attempt to purchase a universal charger that was not compatible with our particular battery (shocking). That would have been too easy. So, with a Fourth of July parade to attend today, an impending vacation, and already a week of Becks' life passed without a single picture snapped, I decided to take action. {Lest I remind you I have also torn this house apart in the past week in search of it. }

Hello new camera :)
We trucked it up the street in the running stroller to enjoy good company with my sister's family (minus the SophDogg) and enjoy all that a parade has to offer: Tootsie Rolls, Dubble Bubble, and firetrucks (with a heavy emphasis on the firetrucks).

Becks' face looked like this almost the whole time:He was amazed that the vehicles he admires from his carseat were thisclose and BLARING their sirens and -stop the world - throwing candy. A two-year-old's dream day.

Chels, Matt, and Sutter Butter.

Our little fam. And you better believe I have a cute 4th of July tank to wear tomorrow. Maybe with a jean skirt just be patriotic.

Me and my sissy. Becks couldn't take his eye off of the street.
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1 comment:

  1. I have a cyber-shot and LOVE it! It tucks in really well in my bag so I can carry it safely everywhere. Great pic! Happy fourth!


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