Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday

Lindsay over at The Pleated Poppy has been hosting a What I Wore Wednesday every week for the past couple months, so I decided to play along this week.
Gold necklace - Target
Black dress - Walmart
Flops - NY&Co.
Shirt - NY&Co.
Skinny jeans - Plato's Closet (Old Navy)
Nude pumps - Miley Cyrus for Walmart
Pink Tank - Walmart ($3.50 - go buy one!)
Shorts - Old Navy
Trusty sidekick - God
Headband - Target
Scarf - NY&Co.
Grey Tank - Walmart
Pleated skirt - Banana Republic Outlet
Slip-on Shoes - Walmart
Yellow Tank - Walmart
Sundress - TJ Maxx
Flops - Rainbows
Blue sweater - Gap outlet
Pink sundress - Gap outlet
Sandals - Target
Purse - Thrift Store
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Go visit Lindsay - she makes the cuuuuuutest stuff!!!!!


  1. did you wear all of these outfits on weds? hahaha :) if so.. you looked SUPER DOOPER cute all day! - otherwise, i really do love all these outfits!

  2. Ha! Should have specified - what I wore ALL WEEK as posted on Wednesday! Thanks for the clarification, Laura ;)

  3. I should post mine. Shorts and a tee on Monday, shorts and a tee on Tuesday, shorts and a tee on Wednesday...well, you get the drift. ;)

  4. I love all your stuff and its so nice to see how cute you can look on a budget- sometimes it's so depressing with some blogs that all the girl wears is anthro or $$$$ dresses- your blog is a great dose of reality and I love reading about all your fab discount scores!

  5. You must have gotten your sense of humor from your Mom....Hilarious!

  6. Super cute outfits! Love the flowy top and skinny jeans :)

  7. I love this idea and all of your outfits!

  8. You look adorable in all of these photos. I always go to Wal-Mart but never look at clothes.......I probably will be now! :-)

  9. I love the grey tank/scarf/BR skirt combo... so cute!

  10. I stocked up on those tanks earlier this season! They fit so well! Love them! And I buy some of my clothes at Wal-Mart:)

  11. First of all adorable outfits!! Second I would kill for your legs! I run and my legs still don't look that good!

  12. Your outfits are so cute! I really love that flowy top from NY&Co. It goes great with the skinny jeans and heels.

  13. LOVE your style! Especially like outfit #2 and #4.


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