Monday, August 2, 2010

Aw, shucks...

Becks and I have been frequenting a farm lately that sells its goods at a quaint little roadside market - peaches, apples, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and melons. Besides the obvious benefit of knowing where our food is grown, I come home with loads of freshness for pennies. Plus, Becks gets to charm Farmer Jenny into giving him a free peach (I swear, it was almost the size of his head), riding their orange Gator, and scoping out their tractors. It's like a field trip, really. In just a few months, we'll return to pick pumpkins.
Luckily, corn-on-the-cob is something Becks will actually eat these days, so we grilled out the night of our recent trip and I let him in on the shucking. He didn't quite understand that I needed to cook the corn first, but he figured out quickly that the taste and texture after it boils is preferable.
It makes me sad to think these sweet summer days are slowly slipping away. I start school in seventeen days. It's sad and scary and exciting all at the same time. And I think I just typed enough "s" words to qualify for the Alliteration Olympics.

Y'all have a great day!


  1. Shhh! Don't talk about summer being gone!!

    Some schools around Indy started back today - yikes

  2. I wish we had a farm around us but the produce stand is good enough! L always charms the lady there into giving him a free banana. :) I also wish you lived closer so Becks could shuck our corn. For some reason, I hate that job!

  3. Aw!! Such a cute sequence of pictures!! Summer really is flying by, but we have a few more weeks to enjoy :)

  4. Abby you look gorg in this pic with Becks!

  5. you should can some of those veggies :)

  6. I love the picture of him after he eats the corn!! So funny!!

  7. Love the pics!!
    If it makes you feel any better we start one week from tomorrow!! ugh!
    PS- I have been taking lots of pics for Teacher Week- when will it be?

  8. he is lookin' so grown! what a cutie!!
    "alliteration olympics"? soooo dang funny! :-)

  9. how very sweet, he's getting sooo big! and btw, girl you are looking fab (as usual) :)

  10. haha the last pic is priceless!! He is adorable!

    Since I'm quitting my fulltime job this week to have this baby, I don't have that end of summer dread/anxious feeling I'd still get even though I wasn't in school anymore. Very weird.

    Enjoy your last 16 days!!


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