Friday, August 13, 2010

Mr. Personality

Being a two-year-old presents many challenges for everyone involved in his rearing, like stifling laughter after I reprimand him for hitting me with an ice cream scoop and he responds by holding my face and saying No talk, mommy. {I about died.}
But there are many perks too. Comic relief, for instance. Because only a two-year-old can accessorize his stripy jammies with rosy colored sunglasses and a plastic firefighter helmet and look darn good. Well, maybe him and Elton John...

Happy Saturday, friends. I'm hitting up a church rummage sale early this morning with my sisters and having coffee and cinnamon rolls with a friend for breakfast. But don't think it's all easy breezy sailing today. Because I have a school to-do list a mile and a half long. We're at the four day countdown until kids show up. And expect me to educate them. Gah! {Why do I feel like Snooki when I type Gah!} Have a good one, y'all :)


  1. I've enjoyed teacher week!It's been nice to hear what works with your students and what they like! I want the scented Mr. Sketch markers! Beckham is cute as ever! Hudson has those pj's! He's so big now Abby- almost outgrowing 9 month clothes!!!Godd luck with your new classroom! Best wishes to B too!

  2. he is sooo adorable!! good luck with the coming week!! WE never did go to the zoo this summer...we should still make that happen when it cools down a bit.

  3. I can't wait til Cameron is that fun! He's such a cutie!!

  4. Oh my goodness!! Too cute!! and you cracked me up with the story about 'no talk, mommy!'

    Enjoy your last summer weekend!!

  5. Just found your blog and LOVED this post - little kids are hysterical without even trying. That's why I love em. I am teaching first grade this year (first time teaching EVER) and heard about your teacher posts - I am definitely checking them out now! If you have any specific advice for first grade please pass it on. Thanks =0)

  6. Oh boy I am a dummy - you are a first grade teacher too!!! Can you pleeeease send me some tips? =0)

  7. Hi! I'm a new follower... I found you from my cousins blog! your boy is too cute! enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  8. He is just too cute! Hope you had a wonderful day :)


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