Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A New Date Night...

There's nothing like spending a romantic evening gathered 'round the kitchen table reading about diversity in education while your husband does his algebra homework.
If this isn't sexy I don't know what is...

{Please note, I totally took this picture using the timer on the camera. But, really, this is how we spent the past two hours!}


  1. I'm totally going to get that book you are reading!

  2. Going on dates and spending quality (conversational) time is so July 2010.

    Studying on the other hand....

  3. How many takes until you got the pose down juuuuust right?

  4. Allison, you wouldn't dare be sarcastic in your comment, would you????

    And, for the record, two :)

    See you this weekend!!!

  5. LOL. I am soooooo with Allison. And I'm NOT quite sure I believe it only took two shots to look THIS good while studying. You and B sure know how to get spicy on a Tuesday evening. You know what Toddlers say...what happens after bedtime, stays after...

    Wait-that saying didn't work. Eh, either way, congrats to you guys for being so studious. All I did the other night was watch Bachelor Pad. PS, I MISS #ATFT and my girls. Can we at least have a tweet reunion for the finale?!?!

  6. Love it! At least you can study together. Too cute! :)

  7. So sweet :) Reminds me of my husband and I except i'd be on my computer and he'd have his video game controller in hand. Ugh. MEN ;)

  8. lol...that is awesome! =) We are not into going out on dates. We stay home most of the time. Next month we are going to Niagara Falls for our anniversary though.

  9. Hehe! Most of our nights consist of us sitting in the living room on our separate laptops. Too bad we aren't usually doing anything studious....mainly Facebook and blog reading for me and break.com for him :)


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