Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reminder: Teacher Week!

Hey, y'all! This is a friendly reminder that Teacher Week will begin Monday, August 9th. As the above picture attests, I have spent far too much time organizing books for shelves that don't exist {yet}. Maybe I'll have cubbies and desks by the time the Classroom Tour comes along on Thursday, but I'm not counting on it!

The schedule for the week is below. Can't wait! Happy Saturday :)

Monday - Open House (this will be a meet the teachers in bloggy world day and can include a brief bio, pictures and referrals to your teaching website if you have one; make sure you don't list any information you want private (i.e. school where you teach))

Tuesday - Classroom Must-Haves (anything you just couldn't live without)

Wednesday - Creative Ideas (open-ended - can be anything you deem creative!)

Thursday - Classroom Tour (obvs must include pics!)

Friday - Favorite Websites (for resources, ideas, assessments, etc.)


  1. This picture reminds me of EXACTLY what my room looked like yesterday! I went and bought bins today, am labeling them all tonight, and my husband is coming to build shelves in my room tomorrow! Organizing my classroom library the way I want it has by far been the biggest chore in my room thus far!!

  2. I am so psyched for this! I am student teaching in the fall (3 more weeks!) and cannot wait to see what people talk about! Thanks for doing this...can't wait!

  3. Next week is our first week of school. I will be dead tired, but I WILL be participating in most if not all of teacher week!! I can't wait!!

  4. You have some of my (and L's) favorite books in that photo!

  5. I am so excited that I came across your blog. I don't go back until Monday, so I plan on starting Teacher Week then. Thank you so much for your ideas!!


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