Friday, August 13, 2010

Teacher Week: Online Resources!

Last night was Open House at the school where I teach, and I got to see most of my little kiddos. And then there were the families who showed up at my door and were like Such and such is going to be in your room! And I'm all like, Um, you must be at the wrong room because I'm looping and don't recognize you as a former parent or student! But no, they were right - I gained three new kids last night. So, as of today, I have 25 students. {Cap is 24.} Cah-razy.

Anyway, today is the last day of Teacher Week, and today we are linking to our favorite online resources. Some of you have personal teaching websites in addition to your blogs, so be sure to link to that as well. {I would list the sites on your blog and use the Linky at the bottom to direct us to your post.}

Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots - If you are an elementary educator, you must visit this site! It is an amazing place for idea, resources, and lessons. In fact, I modeled much of what I did in kindergarten last year after finding this site. There's too much to mention, so go check it out!

Hello First Grade! - Another great site! You have to check out her links to Picassa to see pics of her room and activities. Very helpful.

Open Court Resources - This is a site where teachers of all grade levels can share information over the web and it includes lots of valuable resources.

WRSD - Amazing and detailed lesson plans for launching Reader's Workshop in grades k-5.

I could probably go on forever, but am going to stop there! I find a lot of websites through Google when I'm looking for something specific. I can't wait to see what y'all use :)

Additionally, if you wouldn't mind leaving any suggestions or comments concerning future Teacher Weeks, that would be great! I have had so much fun hosting this and wanted to see if there would be interest in doing it again sometime. Let me know what you think :)

I plan to get back to regular posting over the weekend, but will also post a Teacher Week Wrap-Up sometime soon too. Thanks again for participating! It has been fun :)


  1. Thank you so much for all of these wonderful links and ideas!

    As a (hopeful) new teacher in the future, I love stashing away awesome ideas for any occasion and hearing what has been helpful for others along the way!

  2. I loved teacher week! I didn't participate because I caught on a little too late! But I found some amazing ideas. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I am just starting my blog, but I have posted some back to school ideas as well as some lesson plans. You can find them at

  3. I don't blog myself, but I ran across your blog and I have been stalking it ever since! I have LOVED this week. This will be my 2nd year teaching first grade and you've inspired me so much! Thank you for all your great ideas.

    ~Anna (first grade teacher in NC)

  4. I used Mrs. Meacham's website all the time during my student teaching, and completely forgot about it! Thanks for the reminder!

    Teacher Week was a fabulous idea, I truly loved it!! Please do it again next year!

  5. Thanks for visiting Open Court Resources!

  6. I loved teacher week! I only wish I was able to get into my classroom and participate more! My favorites were the must haves and the classroom tours. I would love another teacher week in the future!

  7. I have enjoyed it so much! I think we should do it again soon! I love that you still have cap. We do not. 2 years ago I was at 30. What do you all do if you get over cap? Can you turn students away?? You have been a WONDERFUL hostess. Thanks for doing this. I have implemented many cool things that I have learned from others and I have "met" some wonderful teachers. THANK YOU!!

  8. Love the site that has all the lessons for launching reading workshop! I just sent it to our reading coach!

  9. Just came across your blog through 'Confessions of an Untenured Teacher'. It seems like it has a ton of information that will be a lot of help over the next while! I'm starting my teacher program at Simon Fraser University next month! I'm so excited, but nervous too!

    Anyways, I'm adding you to my Google Reader!

  10. How flipping cute is Mrs. Meacham's site? Love it!

  11. I have seriously been on Mrs. Meacham's site Oh my goodness - It's so fabulous! I start back as a kindergarten teacher (second year) on Tuesday so I'm trying to get some ideas going for new things to try this year. Thanks for hosting "Teacher Week." I literally just started my blog, but maybe I can participate next year!

  12. Ms. Meacham's website is being bookmarked! You should absolutely host another one! I so enjoyed finding great new teacher blogs and gettings all these wonderful ideas!

  13. Just loved the teacher week; hope you do it again next year.

    Missed you guys this summer, we need to get together soon. Have you heard from Heather???

  14. Thank you so much for all your ideas! I just came across your blog this weekend and wanted to still do Teacher Week. I hope it's ok that I'm doing it this week...I definitely think you should do another one!!!

  15. Just thought of a few more ideas for teacher week (next year): Favorite books for teachers (professional development books, etc) and favorite children's books (and how you use them in the classroom or fun lessons/projects that you do after reading them).

  16. I'm so glad I came across your blog! Thanks for sharing these!! :)

  17. Ooh, I love the idea of adding some favorite books!

    Other teacher week ideas:
    - Favorite units (and your best activities)
    - Procedures
    - Classroom Jobs
    - Biggest Struggle
    - Classroom Management Strategies
    - Paperwork Management

    I loved reading the entries. SO much great information from great teachers! Thank you for hosting it!


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