Sunday, August 8, 2010

Teacher Week: Open House!

Me with the Kindergarten Team December 2009

Hey y'all! I am so excited to be hosting Teacher Week this week, and hope that all my blogging teacher friends will participate {student teachers and education majors should participate too!!!!}. I constantly stalk check out teacher blogs/websites and love when I come upon a new one.

I've always heard that smart teachers are good theives - meaning that you usually don't have to reinvent the wheel to come up with new material and ideas - you can simply borrow from another teacher. Admittedly, there was a point in time when I didn't want to share, and have only recently realized that success comes through collaboration. My mantra should be: together we are better! Anyway, I think that Teacher Week will allow us to showcase our ideas, success stories, teaching materials, and talent. So, don't post something unless you don't want others to borrow your ideas :)

Today, I think we should just link up to meet other teachers around the interwebs. So, go create your bio on your blog {or a post similar to mine} and then link up your post below using the Linky Tool below. Sooo super easy, promise! If you'd rather not use the Linky, then please leave a comment with a link to your site :)

10 Things About Me as a Teacher...

1. I am entering my third year in education. I taught the past two years as a half-day, part-time kindergarten teacher {to be able to stay home with Becks as much as possible} and am looping this coming year. That means my entire class from last year will be my class this year also. I am so excited! However, this will be my first time working fulltime EVER, and I won't have an assistant this year. I'm a smidge nervous...

2. I wanted to be a teacher since I was in first grade. And then I got to college and decided to pursue a degree in psychology instead. Only after graduating from the University of Kentucky in 2005, and spending the summer going What am I going to do with my life?! did I decide to go back to become an elementary school teacher. So, two degrees later and thousands of dollars owed to the danged Direct Student Loans people, amd I doing what I love.

3. Beckham was 5 weeks old when I was offered my first job - just two weeks before school was to start! He slept in a bean bag as I decorated bulletin boards (nasty, I know!) and our male principal would die if he knew he almost walked in on my nursing! Ha!

4. I want to be a principal someday. Thus, I am currently pursuing my master's in administration. I can't wait for the pay increase that attaining this degree will allow. Here's hoping that will be January 2012!

5. I live waaaaay too close to my school (well, not as close as you, Aunt Deb!) and spend too much time there over the summer and on weekends. I hope that as I become a more seasoned verteran, that I will spend less and less time there. Wishful thinking?

6. One of the biggest compliments I have ever received from a student was when a little girl from a poverty-stricken school said I reminded her of Miss Honey from Matilda. She lived a hard life, even at 8-years-old, and I wanted to scoop her up and take her home with me. Things like that remind me that I am in the right profession.

7. My constant complaint as an educator will be the pay. And don't even try to give me the whole You work 8-3pm! You get summers off! Really, I could battle this argument out with anyone who wanted to give it a go. And I would win. Trust me :)

8. I haven't decided if Beckham will attend the same school as the one I teach at. It would be out of district, but being a "teacher's kid" would admit him. I just want him to have an equal opportunity education. Any thoughts on this teacher moms? Pros? Cons?

9. I have nine immediate family members involved in education. Think there's a genetic link?

10. I spent two hours at school tonight and have to be back tomorrow morning for an 8-3pm activity tomorrow (which is why this post is going live tonight!). I have professional developments all week and Open House is on Thursday. So, goodnight and be sure to play along this week!!!!


  1. What a cute picture! Love the scarves :) I loved learning more about you and your teaching experiences!

  2. I have a workshop this morning but I'll be linking up tonight! :)

  3. So I just want to say that I'm totally going to stalk all of the teacher week posts. ;) I came by way of Rachel at In No Simple Language. I've had the pleasure of meeting her IRL and she's definitely a source of inspiration for me as I head back to school.

    Back to school, you say? Yes. Many years ago I started working on a Masters in Education. I dropped out (my 2 children were young a.k.a. not school age, I worked full-time managing a restaurant at night & my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer). Here I am, nearly 5 years after I started graduate school, going back to finally finish what I started!! :)

  4. So excited to find your blog! I'm also a teacher...this is my 6th year teaching, but first year teaching elementary school! I'm moving from the land of 8th being an elementary school reading specialist! I'm so pumped about this year! good luck on your first week back!

  5. Hi! I am a new follower and teacher! I will definitely be posting in your Teacher week! I am so excited you are doing this!:)

  6. I think every profession should adapt that mantra about working together! Sounds like you are definitely in the right profession! Hope teacher goes well!

  7. I want Lo to go to my school but we have to move into the boundaries. I am so jealous that you can just bring Beckham. That would make my life so much easier!!!

  8. I am a senior elementary education major and I cannot wait to have my own classroom next school year. I will be certified to teach PK-6th grade and I am thinking I either want to do 2nd or 3rd or 5th grade. I have also been lucky enough to have the opportunity to sub in the local school district where I live while I am finishing up my degree and I know that that experience will be invaluable when I begin my first year. I am so excited to hear everyones tips as well as hopefully share some things too. Be sure to swing by my teaching blog that I just began.

  9. So glad you're doing this! I love what you wrote about the little girl saying you reminded her of Miss Honey. That is so sweet and such the compliment. It's also one of my favorite books :)

  10. Oh fun! I love finding other teachers! I teach preschool.

  11. I'm a new reader and a teacher! I am going to participate in this! :)

  12. I love this! I found you through Brittany! I am a 4th grade teacher in TX. I am your newest follower!

  13. I LOVE THIS! Such a great idea that I not only had to join in, but I also had to follow along!

  14. Love your list. I am linked and so excited for the rest of the week.

  15. Found you through Kelsey! Love the idea! I'm a new follower!

  16. Hey Abby! Thanks so much for taking the time to host "Teacher Week" at your blog. This is super fun and so encouraging to me. I love getting fresh ideas and new strategies from enthusiastic teachers. Best of luck for an awesome school year!!!

  17. Great blog babbling Abby! I'm a secondary school English teacher from the UK teaching in Melbourne, Australia- I LOVE it! Just love finding out about other passionate teachers- we are a rare breed :-) xx

  18. SO SO SOOOOOO excited to find your blog!!! I will be student teaching in Jan 2011 and I am LOVING all of your posts and ideas!! Like others who have commented I to started this journey TEN years ago and just made the decision to go back to school in 2008. I cannot wait to read all of the other teacher posts from this week!! New follower!!!


Babble back y'all