Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday

My word! Wednesday again?! I had fun playing along with The Pleated Poppy last week, so I decided to post again this week. I can't promise to keep this up once school starts, but until then it's kinda fun. {By the way, my pics are not in any specific order. Too time consuming to rearrange!}
white top - NY&Co.
belt - your guess is as good as mine
skinny jeans - thrift store find (Old Navy)
wedges - no clue

sweater - NY&Co.

tank - Target pre-Beckham

shorts - Old Navy pre-Beckham

sundress - Gap outlet

flops - Rainbows

fyi: I do not regularly wear my phone in that pocket on the dress. I was probably trying to keep it away from Beckham or waiting for an important phone call or trying not to lose it in the house (which I do frequently).

rouched top - NY&Co.

dressy skinny pants - Gap clearance for a steal! and they're x-long!

pumps - Miley Cyrus for Walmart

tank - Walmart! (still $3.50, go buy one or twelve!)

shorts - cheerleading camp circa 1999 or stolen from my sister's drawer?

dress - thrift store (b. moss)

leggings - Target

necklace - thrift store

Okay, so I'm in my PJs in this last pic but I just had to show you a pic of this phenomenal scarf I bought this past weekend at Anthropologie for {stop the world} $9.95!!! I was in love. With the scarf and the price. Perfect for accessorizing for fall, right?

If you want to play, go link up on Lindsey's blog sometime today.


  1. Fun! I particularly love the 2nd outfit (the shorts & sweater) I always feel odd wearing a sweater thats as long or longer than my shorts but I think it looks so cute when I see someone else doing it...

    Love the scarf - jealous! Maybe I can talk mr cowboyboots & cargos into visiting our Anthro soon =)

    PS aw look cute in your glasses!

  2. I love your outfits! Especially #2 and the dress and leggings outfit! Gotta love thrift stores!

  3. Such cute outfits!! And what great finds! I love the long sweater from NY&CO

  4. Love the second outfit...too cute! And I'm loving those skinny pants from Gap!

  5. Can I come shop in your closet? You're precious.

  6. Really cute outfits!
    I love the scarf too...


  7. Love the long sweater look in #2!
    Cute, Cute!

  8. Seriously, stop being so cute. I can't take it. Especially since I've got 3 tanks and a pair of yoga pants on rotation these past 2 weeks. Want cute clothes again!!

    And I may be making the shorts/cardi/pearls combo my new uniform, it's adorable!

  9. Can’t believe you found your awesome scarf for that price….what a deal! I LOVE the Wally-World tanks. They are FAB workout shirts. I need to get a few more before they wipe all their summer stuff out.

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  10. Super cute outfits! I really like the first and the dress with the leggings. Adorable!

  11. Great outfits! Love the second one with the cardigan and shorts. I do that a lot because I get cold inside but it's 105 outside.

  12. Awesome outfits and great scarf! I never can get the whole thrift store finds, but yeah you!

    Love the idea of teacher week next week...I teach 3rd and cannot stand the week before school starts. I want to wave my wand and the room preparing fairy shows up! :)


  13. Ooooh I love the scarf, and for that price? I love a good deal! Super cute outfits!

  14. You have style girl! I love that scarf too, what a great find.

  15. What a great find at anthro! Love the first outfit :)


  16. I'm so jealous of your legs:) And my word verification is summer:)

  17. LOVE that b.moss dress! What a great find!!!

  18. You're too cute!! : ) I hope you have a great weekend!!


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