Thursday, September 2, 2010

On a night like this...

On a night like this, I think I deserve the above. An enormous dish of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and guilt-free blog stalking. {Bonus points if you recognize who I'm stalking above - hint: super cute mama to two and one of the most hilarious writers that I read. No, really, I laugh almost every single time she posts.} Unfortunately, my waistline and class syllabi both prohibit me from partaking in them too often these days.

Anyway, I couldn't be more excited for the upcoming weekend. We're spending Labor Day weekend doing anything but labor. Unless you consider being on the lake laborious. Which I do not. Because, this weekend will totally involve me drinking coffee that someone else made, the first U of M football game family tailgate (Go Blue!), cooler temperatures, and much needed time with my family who I feel like I haven't seen in ages. I get to wake up to my boys for three days straight and that, alone, is going to be Heaven. If I start to discuss the extent to which I miss being with Beckham all day, I will flood this computer keyboard with tears. That, my friends, is an entirely different post...

In other news, amidst all the craziness that is our lives, we're trying to refinance our home to take advantage of the super low rates and decrease our current house payment. The appraiser was here yesterday and our house had to appraise for a certain amount for the process to proceed. If it doesn't, we're out a substaintial amount of money that I really don't think we can afford to part with (substantial or not we can't afford to part with anything!) but we had to take the risk and hope for the best. Thus, I am trying to have faith that the appraisal will go in our favor. Praying hard.

Raise your hand if you get your first paycheck tomorrow?! My county posts our first paychecks of the school year at midnight tonight! HALLELUIA! Would it be crazy if I checked our account at 12:01am to see what it feels like to make a real-life full-time teacher salary??? Since I've worked only part-time the past two years, I've never known what a "big" paycheck looks like. And believe me, when your husband is unemployed (even though it's only been two weeks and it was by choice), your first "big" paycheck is kind of a big deal. {Note: When I say "big," let's remember that I am an educator. "Big" is really code for overworked and underpaid. And, yes, I am thankful I have a job. Don't hate.}

Alright, going to indulge in another guilty pleasure. We gotta a Situation...



  1. Um I think we should be best friends. My hubby and I are indulging in Jersey Shore as I type this comment. Matt just said "I'm really excited - I think there's going to be a fist fight in this one." (As if there isn't a fist fight in EVERY episode.....). Anyway, I got my first real paycheck since the end of MAY a few days ago. I was definitely shouting "Hallelujah!" right there with ya. I had literally spent my last pennies on school supplies. :)

  2. We just refinanced our house too. Totally worth it! Good luck!

  3. I just checked my bank account and saw I GOT PAID! Yay for my first payday as a teacher!!! Granted it was only half of a normal paycheck b/c we started working in the middle of a pay period, I am so so so happy to have monies!

  4. Yay! Your weekend sounds perfect. So happy for you.

    I have instituted sort of a "lockdown" weekend for this holiday weekend. We're stocking up on snacks, DVDs, and games tonight, and there is no leaving the apartment 'til Monday! {I have a study group Monday- sob!}

  5. ha, I love Namaste too!

  6. Cannot WAIT for my 1st paycheck of the year, either. With my raise percent this year, I am curious, so i will be checking my acct first thing in the am. We start up next week (ill be sad, leaving my baby girl!!) and my 1st check is next thursday:) Also, we are in process of refinancing, too, and we NEED our house to be appraised at a certain, ill pray for you if you pray for me:)

  7. Congrats on the paycheck!!! :-) And mmmm that's one of my fave kinds of ice cream, craving it right now, thanks! Lol

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Praying that the re-financing goes your way girl!!!

    Have a gerat Labor day weekend with your boys!!!!

    Yay to the paycheck!!!

  9. We may be soul sisters. I did the exact same thing, though your ice cream looks a lot yummier (mine was a WW icecream bar)

    "Got ya a cab baby!"

  10. I have had a really emotional day. And seeing that particular blog on your computer and the sweet words you wrote made it a million times better. Thanks, friend!

  11. TGIF!

    Just wanted to let you know I
    "blogged" about your blog on my blog this lovely Friday evening! :)

  12. I hope you have a fabulous labor day weekend! You deserve it!

  13. Enjoy that big bowl of ice cream and blog stalking and have no guilt!!! You are working hard and deserve a few moments of YOU time!

    And congrats on that first BIG paycheck! It's about time :)

  14. You are stalking Gina at Namaste by Day! Love her! Hope the appraisal sitch works out!

  15. Enjoy your relaxing time this weekend! I agree about teachers being overworked and sad but true. I think it is great what teachers do! Continue molding our youth! =) I hope everything works out with the refinancing works out for you three.

    Mmmmm...I had choc chip cookie dough too today.

    Lastly, GO BLUE!!

  16. Blogging and ice cream? What could be better! Hope you have a wonderful, long weekend!

  17. I hope you are having a totally relaxing labor day weekend with your boys, good luck with the refinance!!


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