Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where in the world was Babbling Abby?

Being the jetsetter {that I am so not}, I spent the weekend in someplace that everyone should visit at least once. Can you guess?


  1. New Orleans? Let's go Saints!!

  2. only one of my favorite cities orleans!!!

    the fact that you have a picture eating sweets at cafe du monde and a picture of jackson square make me sooooo jealous!

    can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. New Orleans! What for? Just for fun?
    Details please!!

  4. New Orleans? So jealous! Hope you had a fantastic time!

  5. I L.O.V.E. NOLA, probably my most favorite place on earth.

    I could lick the screen, what I wouldn't do for some beignets right now! Yum!

  6. One of my favorite cities...NEW ORLEANS!!! I have been soooo many times and never tire of it's beauty and uniqueness.

    I only wish people could still experience it the way it was before Katrina.

    I am so jealous, I want to go back so bad :)

  7. I don't care where you are... I just want some of those powdered sugar yummy bites of heaven you pictured!

  8. Cafe Du Monde?! I died and went to heaven...those things are ridiculous! Such an amazing city, I hope you had a great trip!

  9. I am not a traveler (I know, I am weird) but I've always wanted to go to New Orleans.

  10. Wherever you were it looks like you were hanging out with someone really cool!

  11. I woul recognize a beignet anywhere :) New Orleans has such good food- how fun!

  12. Agreed. Everyone should go experience that place at least once. Went in college with some girlfriends and had a blast. Did your feet get as black as mine did after walking around all day? We all had to wash our feet every night. Totally gross. Hope you had fun!

  13. I love New Orleans!! Such a fun city!!!!

  14. my. mouth. is. watering. looking. at. those. beignets. SO. JEALOUS.

    Had a fabulous time with you sister (as always!). Thanks again for everything!!!!


Babble back y'all