Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun with my boys.

 We took Becks to his first "real" football game tonight at our alma mater.  Yes, I mean a soccer game.  He was enthralled with the expansive field, cheered on the "big boys," and spent enough time climbing the bleachers that he wore himself completely out.  We even had a cup of hot chocolate to warm us up.  I wish we could have family nights like this every night.  It was perfect.   

 Gosh, doesn't he look so big sitting on those bleachers?! 

Hope you're enjoying the cooler weather as much as we are!


  1. becks is so cute! sounds like my kind of night, you make me want hot chocolate :)

  2. I love your little boy's name! He's precious! It looks like you had a fun family night!

  3. The one of just him on the bleachers kills me. So incredibly adorable.

  4. Glad he had fun watching the big boys! Sound like a perfect fall activity!

  5. Love the picture of the two boys together!

  6. So glad you had some QT with the boys. I went on a blog fast for the month of September (so so so hard) and I am so happy to be back. That being said, I want to encourage you and say what a wonderful mommy you are. I know it must be really hard to make short term sacrifices for long term benefits. Your honesty is so comforting and authentic. I love that about you, Abz. This season in life will be over before you know it and what you will remember are the moments like the ones in this post:).


Babble back y'all