Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mommy FAIL.

So, apparently Becks had an unannounced {to me} Halloween party today at school.  And he brought nothing.  No treats.  No gifts for his teachers.  No nothing.   I didn't even send him to school in his Halloween shirt.

I didn't even know there was going to be a Halloween party today because you know I would've sent in little goody bags for each and every kiddo with their names doodled in scrolling pumpkin print on them filled with treats.  And dressed him Halloweeny.

I've gone through our October paperwork and didn't even see anything pertaining to a party.  Not happy.  Should I have just assumed that there was going to be a party the last school day before Halloween? 

This is really eating at me.  Just had to get it off my chest and vent.  I don't know whether or not to be mad at the preschool for not cluing us in or at myself.  Maybe I shouldn't be mad at all, but I'm getting a that mommy complex.  That mommy that didn't even know her own kid was going to have a Halloween party at school. 



  1. I'm sure you would have seen it if a note came home. If you didn't, then maybe more notes/reminders should have came home! And, BTW, I would loooove to have a mom like you as a mother of one of my students. I work in a low income school, and I hate to say it, but no one does those nice "extras".

  2. If it makes you feel better, some schools don't allow goody bags anymore. L's school doesn't. I wasn't going to send gifts to his teachers, and then when his extended care teacher bought special gluten-free cookie mix for him, I caved. I am totally stealing the scrolling pumpkin font idea for their tags.

  3. As a teacher, I would not expect parents to know unless I TOLD them about a party or activity and reminded them about the time, schedule etc. I don't think it's a mom fail I think it's a teacher fail.... don't sweat it!


  4. You definitely need to let your child's teacher know that you missed the memo on this so she can help you know about these kind of things in the future. I am sorry about this too - I hope your little one had fun anyway:)

  5. Why don't you be the random surprise for no reason goody bag mommy? Brighten up a winter day with homemade cookies. Go in to read a story on your lunch break on a teacher workday?

  6. Ugh...I always end up being "that mom"...I just never have time to get it together. I know how crummy you feel, my kid is always the one out of the loop! Oh well.

  7. Did other mommies bring in stuff/dress their kids Halloweeny? If not, then I guess nobody knew and you totally shouldn't feel bad. The teacher may have just planned a lil' somethin' somethin' and didn't expect any help from parents. But....if the other mommies brought in food/goody bags & dressed their kids all "Halloweeny", then....I think you may have missed the memo? :/ The good news is that you can totally make up for it at Christmas time!

  8. I'd probably send the teacher a note to say, "Next time the class is having a party, I'd love to send in some treats for the class! Please let me know when one is coming up and how I can help! :)"

    What teacher wouldn't love some volunteering? :)

  9. It isn't worth being mad about it, trust me there are worse things. All moms make mistakes, schools make mistakes, kids make mistakes. I luckily have never missed a halloween party for my kids. However, my 4th grader informed me last night as I was making small goody bags that this was the first time I ever sent them in for her. I never realized that I hadn't been doing it. I used to with my older daughter, and I guess I just merged the 2 together, lol.

  10. believe me, you are soooo on top of things, there's no way you overlooked the party. for some unknown (weird) reason, the teacher must have just planned it all by herself. don't sweat it! it was obviously unavoidable and had nothing to do with you 'failing'. :-) hope you have a great halloween!


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