Thursday, October 14, 2010

Of note...

  1. I have nothing genius to say tonight. 
  2. Apparently, though, my son is a genius, as evidenced by his ability to arrange his blocks, a white tiger, a shark, an old cell phone and a random paintbrush around a glittery square he made at preschool. I'm only slightly biased.
3.  Sorta, kinda sad that Teen Mom and Jersery Shores are at the respective end of their seasons.  {Does anyone else think immediately of Pauly D anytime you say Oh, yeah...?  Also, B and I really enjoy throwing in the dirty little hamster comment into our conversations on a regular basis.}
4.  Apparently, I do not work on Fridays.  Yup, off again tomorrow to marry off the last of my BFFs.  But, it's not without cost.  I'm through all of my personal days and it's only October.  And writing sub plans is pretty much not fun.
5.  I'm twelve kinds of excited about spending another glorious weekend with my boys, soaking up the fall sunshine.
6.  B has a Spanish midterm tomorrow.  So, if you read this, say a prayer.   
7.  One of my dearest friends, whose opinion I value implicitly, confirmed that the jeans from WIWW were very frumpish.  Thank you, Dr. B, for your honesty :)
8.  A major praise I have yet to mention: we refinanced our house!  Wahoo!  I can't tell you what a huge blessing it was to us, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect.  Truly, an answered prayer.
9.  I still don't know what Becks is going to be for Halloween.  The only thing he's really digging lately is The Wiggles, and I just cannot wrap my mind around dressing my son up to mimic a 40-year-old man or a dinosaur named Dorothy.
10.  Awful news of the day = we are completely out of coffee and Diet Coke.  This might mean I hit up Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte prior to meeting up with the bridal party for breakfast in the morning.  Yum. 


  1. Love B's artwork :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. "It's t-shirt timeeeeeeeee! OH YEAH!" I personally enjoyed the "Angelina is the Staten Island ferry" comment, but the "dirty little hamster" comment DOES make me want to roll on the floor laughing.

  3. Enjoy the Starbucks!! And congrats on the house refinancing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Enjoy another beautiful weekend!! I am sad about Teen Mom, but at least 16 and Preg quickly follows!

  5. Becks is a genius, fo sho. That is all.

  6. 2. love his artwork! Very Creative!

    6. Prayer said for B.

    7. Ok. so... it is my opinion that you are beautiful, tall, and skinny!!! at least you look tall in your pics ;) anyways i just DON'T see the frump!

    8. Major Congrats on the Refinance!

    9. I still don't know what Cowgirl will be for halloween either. She wants to be jessie from toy story and she wants little brother to be woody, but have you seen those costumes?! They are NOT cute!!!! Tryin to talk her into bein a REAL Cowgirl!! (not workin out so far)

    10. YUMMO!! to the pumpkin spice latte!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING Pumpkin!!!

    Happy Weekend! God Bless!! :)

  7. 2. love his artwork! Very Creative!

    6. Prayer said for B.

    7. Ok. so... it is my opinion that you are beautiful, tall, and skinny!!! at least you look tall in your pics ;) anyways i just DON'T see the frump!

    8. Major Congrats on the Refinance!

    9. I still don't know what Cowgirl will be for halloween either. She wants to be jessie from toy story and she wants little brother to be woody, but have you seen those costumes?! They are NOT cute!!!! Tryin to talk her into bein a REAL Cowgirl!! (not workin out so far)

    10. YUMMO!! to the pumpkin spice latte!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING Pumpkin!!!

    Happy Weekend! God Bless!! :)

  8. 2. love his artwork! Very Creative!

    6. Prayer said for B.

    7. Ok. so... it is my opinion that you are beautiful, tall, and skinny!!! at least you look tall in your pics ;) anyways i just DON'T see the frump!

    8. Major Congrats on the Refinance!

    9. I still don't know what Cowgirl will be for halloween either. She wants to be jessie from toy story and she wants little brother to be woody, but have you seen those costumes?! They are NOT cute!!!! Tryin to talk her into bein a REAL Cowgirl!! (not workin out so far)

    10. YUMMO!! to the pumpkin spice latte!!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING Pumpkin!!!

    Happy Weekend! God Bless!! :)

  9. So sad about Teen Mom and Jersey shore and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that The Hills is over forever! Have a good weekend!

  10. Can I just say that you're cute as mess? Love the blog and you've reignited my interest in Goodwill!


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