Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank YOU!

Thank you all for the many many many kind words of encouragement and support that you sent through email and comments over the past few days.  I have a great group of bloggy friends, that's for sure :)

Allison's wedding is this weekend, so I actually took today off.  Of course, on my day off, I'm up at the crack of dawn trying to get the day going.  I haven't even finalized what I'm wearing to the rehearsal tonight, have loads of laundry to to, and it would only figure that I have my first observation of the school year on Monday morning at 9am.  Thus, as soon as I hit "post," I'm moving onto lesson planning.  I'll be back with pics on Sunday...

PS.  Say a prayer - I have to give a toast and I am really nervous!  While I could carry on a conversation with a brick wall, I'm completely a mess when it comes to public speeches!!!  Eeeee!


  1. I'm pretty aure your IRL friends are okay too... Just sayin. See you tonight.

  2. I gave a toast at my best friend's wedding last year and I was a WRECK! If you want a tip, try not to look the bride dead in the eyes as you talk. You will tear up in a heartbeat. Or at least I did. Keep it sweet, simple, and add a little humor and everyone will love you! Good luck!!

  3. Good luck with the speech! Just make it heartfelt and it will be great. Have fun!


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