Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Round-Up

I don't know that I have appreciated a weekend the way I appreciated this past weekend ever in my life.  It was the most rejuvenating, attitude altering, necessary four days off.  Ever.  Despite the fact that I've had three-day weekends the past four out of five weeks (yup, blew through all of my personal days right quick), nothing was quite as nice as a school-induced weekend off.  One in which I had little plans other than to let my free time dictate where I needed to be (answer: building block towers with Becks), what I needed to eat (answer: pumpkin muffins), and how I should spend naptime (answer: thrifting).  G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S.

I had the opportunity to grill talk to Becks' teachers at preschool drop-off, shop the 50% off sale at  Goodwill, and even catch up on some grad school work that I've been putting off.  And off.  And off.  Who has time for grad school, anyway? 

And then there was the beautiful day where we went to the pumpkin patch and took a ridiculous amount of pictures featuring my one and only.  So if pictures of cute 2-year-olds bore you, see the sidebar for other stalk-worthy bloggy friends. 

But, if you're related to me by blood, college, or otherwise, behold... the trip to the pumpkin patch:

Have a happy, happy Monday!  


  1. so sweet! I love the pumpkin patch now, but can't wait to see it through the eyes of my little one someday. :) Looks like your weekend was a blast, and I wonder who loved it more: you or Beckham. :)

  2. What fun pictures! Love the second to last one :) Glad you had a wonderful long weekend!

  3. I can't believe how big he is getting!!! Sounds like a great relaxing weekend. i LOVE those kind!

  4. What a beautiful little family! I can't wait to someday take our little one to a pumpkin patch! Have a great week!

  5. Such adorable pictures!! Glad you had a great weekend!

  6. We Love the pumpkin patch! Great Pictures!

  7. What is it about pumpkin patches and toddlers that are just so stinking cute?! Glad your long weekend was just the refresher you needed!

  8. Your pumpkin patch family picture is fabulous!

  9. I'm feeling very nostalgic as I look at this post because I can remember back to when you took Becks to the pumpkin patch when he was just a few months old! Wow-time flies. Be expecting a very similar picture journey over at LIFOP this week :)

  10. Adorable! We haven't made it to the pumpkin patch yet, I want to go so badly. Love the picture of you and Becks eating the apples -- precious!

  11. I can see why your weekend was so awesome, the pics are perfect. Love Becks' outfit, the carmel outfit & the family photo! We're heading to the punkin patch this weekend so I can prop the baby up against giant gourds and hope he stays upright.

  12. seems like only yesterday that we were laughing about how we took our little men to the same pumpkin patch. A year goes by to fast :(


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