Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you know what your toddler is doing right now?

Becks and I made a tent last night while B was at class by draping sheets and blankets over top of the dining room table and throwing some pillows inside  It was fun and Becks thought I was pretty much the coolest mom ever. We sat inside it together for awhile and then he'd jump out and run around the house and then jump back in. 

About 30 minutes later, B returned, and I was folding laundry in our bedroom.  We began to chat and catch up about the day when I noted the silence.  And since silence isn't very common in our household, it could only mean one thing:  someone Beckham is up to no good. 

Naturally, the first place I thought to look was our newly constructed tent.  And this, my friends, is what I saw...   
Yup, that is a Danimals Yogurt.  That Becks obtained from the fridge.  Without permission. He successfully punctured the lid with his teeth and then laid beneath the draped table sucking away at his drinkable yogurt completely unbeknownst to us. 

Then, like a Mouse that asks for a cookie, he needed a straw.  And I obliged.  Because even though he was awful sneaky, it was pretty darn cute too :)


  1. After my daughter figured out how to get in the fridge herself I finally understood the fancy fridges that have child locks! It's a blessing & a curse when they figure out how to do things sometimes!

    Super cute picture. :)

  2. Forts were the best! I can see why he thinks you are an excellent mommy! And too cute about sneaking the yogurt. Smarty!

  3. Haha. Love this post! Jayden is sneaky too! Since I have been making cakes. I keep the tops so that my husband can eat them. I put them far enough back on the counter so he can't get them. But... Smart, little sneaky guy will get tongs and grab the cake! Omg, it's so funny!

  4. How cute! Tents were always the best!

  5. 1. You are best mom ever because forts rule. I can't wait to make elaborate ones with my boy.

    2. That picture of him sprawled out is HILARIOUS. I can't deal with his cuteness.

  6. Haha!! He's a little stinker, but a cute one...he looks so happy to be in the fort.

  7. Ive been a bad bloggy friend and havent commented like normal. My bad.

    Too bad blogger doesn't have "like" buttons similar to facebook. Because
    I double like this post on so many levels. You have given me a great activity for super C in the morning. Many thanks from one mama of a toddler to another. ;)

  8. I love it. Ava and I love making tents in the living room, we could hang out in there for hours! I can totally relate to the sneaky little one. Ava just learned how to open the fridge on her own and at time I find Chocolate chips on the floor. Evidence for sure! Cute blog entry!


  9. awww...looks like so much fun and I totally would have given him the straw too! =P

  10. The picture of Becks under the fort with his yogurt is HILARIOUS! That is too cute/funny :)


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