Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Real Life...

My friend Britney wrote a really good post about living real life.  She she inspired me to write a similar post about real life at our house...

Real life at our house is Brandon studying.  Constantly.  He's a bookworm these days and can be found sitting on the couch, Spanish book in lap, conjugating verbs and translating words with his good friend SpanishDict.  We're all counting the days until the semester ends.

Real life at our house is a Halloween ghost still hanging from the fan above the dining room table.  Just not a priority. 

Real life at our house is Castle on Mondays, Teen Mom on Tuesday, The Middle, Modern Family, and Cougar Town on Wendesdays, and The Office on Thursdays.

Real life at our house is a plastic grocery bag taking the place of garbage bags.  Forgot to get them on my Target run last night.  Doh!

Real life at our house is playing ball-related sports indoors.  Mark my words, something important is going to get broken soon.

Real life at our house is Dave Matthews, John Mayer, or Jack Johnson on Pandora.

Real life at our house is a worn pair of Converses that show off boyhood to the fullest.

Real life at our house is an unmade bed that I can't wait to crawl into every night.  Still sleeps the same as a made one :)

Real life at our house blocks, balls, and all things boy. 

Real life at our house is an easy dinner - how I love thee, mac-n-cheese, pbjs, and bowls of cereal.

Real life at our house is crazy and busy and chaotic and stressful and wonderful. 


  1. Your house sounds a lot like mine house...minus the whole conjugating verbs in Spanish thing. ;)

    And, sometimes, there is NOTHING better than a big ole bowl of cereal for dinner. Make mine Lucky Charms, please...ain't no shame in this momma's game!! :)

  2. Sounds exactly like real life should be...lived in with your priorities straight :)

  3. LOVE this post. Totally agree about the made bed ha :) Ours seems to never be made UNLESS we just washed the sheets... sometimes... ha!

  4. We totally still have a ghost hanging from our fan in our dining room. And I never noticed it until reading this. Thanks! :)

  5. This is good stuff! I actually read it the other day at 3am during a feeding and have been keeping track of all my real life stuff for a post.


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