Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm...

Don't ever understimate...

the amount of fun to be had...

blowing out a candle...

or baking muffins...

with your momma.

And, for the record, White Death Numero Dos is due to hit tonight around midnight.  In a BIG way.  Like, five plus inches (which is big in the midwest).  I am supposed to have a sub tomorrow, but I didn't even write plans because I am pretty sure we're going to be off.  {Now that I've actually verbalized that and written it down, don't you know that the storm is going to take a dramatic turn and not hit us.  You just watch!}

Furthermore, so funny you should all make such sweet comments about my headwarmer hairband...

Quite possibly, you should stop back by around 9pm tonight.  I'm just sayin'...  :)

Hint...  Hint...


  1. We are doing a whole lot of that too! Love those jammies! Are they Mickey/ UK??? if so do tell where from!!

  2. I remember being a little girl and feeling so lucky when my mom let me put the candles out! Children really do appreciate small joys.

  3. I sure hope it doesn't take a turn and not hit you. When I was a kid in FL, I always prayed for direct hit of hurricanes to miss school, but then would panic for 2 days if it was coming anywhere remotely close to us. I was weird!

  4. Enjoy every precious moment! He's an angel and a lucky little boy!

  5. His smile blowing out the candle is contagious! Love it!

  6. Okay so the second to last picture is just presh! I love his little face :)


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