Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Monday Musings

1.  I am feeling really good about life today.  Apparently, a festive interior, a Christmas Eve scented Yankee candle burning much of the day, and the last 2 weeks of the school year winding down will bring out the holiday spirit in a person.  It helps that I finished lesson planning for the remainder of 2010 today, too :)

2.  I had breakfast for dinner tonight at my parents house and it was totally YUM.

3.  We went to our first holiday party over the weekend at our neighbor's house.  So fun
Me, Brian (host), and Lauren (neighbor and sorority sis) 

B and Eric (Lauren's bf)

4.  How amazingly talented are the singers on The Sing Off ?!  Omigosh.  Love it.  And can you be any more cleverly named than "Pitch Slapped?"  Ha! 

5.  Beckham went to bed tonight with very little fanfare.  He's all into this "Just one more story...." or "Just one more minute..."  which usually turns into a nightly sob-a-thon when we deny his requests.  Tonight though, he was perfect.  Please, stop what you're doing, and knock on wood on my behalf.

6.  We snapped our Christmas picture this weekend, and - if I do say so myself - it turned out super cute!  This isn't the pic that we chose, but a cute one nonetheless. 

7.  Let's talk about how I just had to purchase storage space on Google so I can upload pics to the blog!  It was only five bucks for 20 GBs, but still! Has this happened to anyone else?

8.  Someone is nearing the end of her 20s.  I turn 28 in 17 days.  GULP. 

9.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to be starting a school-related blog here in the near future.  FYI.

10.  Please wear your pajamas inside out, do a dance, or just send your winter weather my way: I WANT A SNOWDAY.  Thanks and have a happy Monday :)


  1. cute dress Abby! So festive! Happy Holidays! I hope you get a snow day :)

  2. Cute family picture! You should definitely start a teacher blog :) I'd for sure follow it!

  3. please start a teacher blog! i am an aspiring teacher in college and I LOVE seeing your fabulous ideas!

  4. I knocked on wood for you! & also, I think that picture of your fam is really cute. AND I encourage you to start a school blog!

    OH AND, I am also in high spirits. Had my first final today, and it went smoothly!

    (Apparently I needed a numbered list, too, for my comment!)

  5. I love The Sing Off too, cannot wait to watch again on Wednesday!

  6. I'd love if you started a school related blog :) Can't wait!!

  7. I'd love a snow day, too! We finally have cold temps but nothing on it's way. I'll do my snow dance if you'll do yours! :)

  8. I had to buy storage space several months ago - I was shocked and didn't know this could possibly happen. Although - I was glad it didn't cost more than it did!

    Hoping for a snow day!

  9. Wait, last two weeks of the school year? Are you not teaching next semester, or did I just mix that up? :)

  10. Yes, yes, yes! You need to start a teacher blog! I had found your blog this summer...but have been so busy I haven't been back much until this week, when a friend of mine at school told me I need to check out your blog because you remind her of me. I totally are too cute! But I appreciated the comment! Thank you for your secrets too...we really are too alike!

  11. Cute pics.
    I LOVE SING OFF TOO!! "Pitch Slap" made me laugh out loud.
    Yes, please on the teacher blog. If you need a guest spot on said blog this Abby would be glad to help out!!

  12. Cute family photo! You guys are adorable!

  13. I post twice as many pics as you and have not had to purchase storage space. Knock on wood I don't have to in the future.

    Glad you found you smile and are starting to enjoy the holidays. I will pray extra hard for a snowday for you :)

    Saw Heather over the weekend, we must get together after the new year!

  14. What an adorable dress and headband- you are too cute! I have got to catch the Sing Off everyone says its so good. Don't worry I'm going to be 29 in 2 mths... I don't think I'm going to handle that birthday well :/

  15. 1. Oh YAY, I hope you start a school related blog! I've been tempted to start one too, maybe some day!
    2. That's the one thing I miss about living in CA... no snow = no snow days! My first year teaching in IN we had so many it was wonderful!

  16. I have referred many teachers to your blog! Sometimes I wish I was a teacher just so I could create some of your cute projects.

    Btw-I just had to purchase storage space last week and had NO idea I even had a limit. I was uploading 5 pictures, got 4 up and then they wouldn't upload the 5th because my space had just run out!


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