Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saturday Morning Funny

We made Santas yesterday, and - as always - first graders come up with some of the most creative and inspiring art pieces.  

And then I came across Lacy's.

Apparently, Santa's beard is really really innapropriately misplaced long this year.  At least that's what we're going with so I don't have to break out a a censor bar in order to display him in the hallway...

And that seemed to be only the beginning of his problems.  The head, for one, and the lack of feet were also an issue.  But, hey, it's artwork and completely personal. 

Here are some other students' pieces for comparison purposes. 

Hope you had a little chuckle this morning.  My teacher friends and I thought it was pretty funny!


  1. Poor Lacy...yes, that beard is um, long! I can think of a first grader or two in my former class that may have done something like that! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh Lacy! Bless her heart!
    Good thing you teach 1st, my 3rd graders would take that to a new level. Thanks for sharing!! Looks like fun and a super cute hallway display.

  3. Actually- Lacy may be the smartest of them all. An anatomically correct Santa! He and Mrs. Claus may never have an elf shortage again!

  4. Thanks for the smiles :) Kids are the funniest. Love your holiday blog makeover too!

  5. That is priceless. I have to try not to crack up at my kiddos' unintentionally dirty invented spelling.

  6. I think the Santa's have so much character and I love them!


  7. So cute! Kids completely crack me up! I think I am a teacher for my own enjoyment!


  8. Haha!! That is too funny :)

  9. Hahaha! Oh, aren't kids the best?! They are so funny! Thanks for my morning laugh!!

  10. LOL! And thanks for writing me back! I will post a picture of the final outfit! Hope you enjoyed my blog!


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