Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weekend Holiday FUN!

Just a picture of The Cutest Boy Ever
What a fantastic weekend!  And I believe - am hoping, am praying - that it's going to turn into a 3-day weekend.  I have been clinging to every word the weatherman has uttered over the past 72 hours praying that white death does, in fact, dump 3-4 inches of snow overnight tonight.  As of right now, the storm has begun and it's flurrying furiously outside :)

We went downtown yesterday with B's parents and Becks had the most wonderful time.  We started off the day at Starbucks and Becks had a hot chocolate and I managed to avoid the 800 cal EggNog Latte in exchange for a skinny Peppermint Mocha instead ;)

These mini-hot cocoas are the best!  The perfect size for little ones!

Becks and his Papa M playing peekaboo.
Next, we went to see the trains and Beck, among other 2-year-olds, had a difficult time understanding that they had to wait in line 100 people deep to see the display.  When we finally made it to the viewing platform, he was in awe.  He would have watched for an hour if we'd let him. 
Next, it was off to the ice rink to see the skaters.  Becks really wanted to get on the ice, so B snuck him on for a minute or two sans skates.

We finished up the day with Becks' first official visit to see Santa at Macy's.  I truly believed he would NOT go sit in his lap.  However, he proved me entirely wrong and walked up to him with open arms.  He told Santa he wanted a tennis racket.  I was snapping pictures and - of all things - crying!  It was just such a moment.  I can't believe how big he is. 

This one melts my heart.  They're in deep discussion here.
Today, after church, Becks and I went Walmarting and were gifted Shrek ears {a promotional event for the release of Shrek 3}!  We wore them throughout the store and then had to snap a pic at home.

And, just so it's documented, here's my little B playing pretend with Alex, the misfit toy weiner dog who's missing his front two legs.  Please note that Alex has bandaids on each of his ears, right where Beckham put them.  Further, he is wearing mismatched jammies because we need clean clothes something desperate around these parts.  {Snowday = Laundry Day}

{PS.  Come back tonight for my First Grade Grinch Activities for the week!}


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

    Can't wait to see all the Grinch activities!

  2. I love your flower headband! Where did you find it?! I'm seriously in LOVE! I'm also doing the snow dance and crossing my fingers in NE Ohio. So, hopefully with our combined energy, we'll both have snow days tomorrow! :) Love your blog, by the way!

  3. Where did you get your headband? It is precious!

  4. What a fun weekend!! Great pics! Loving your headband!!! And the doggy picture is too cute!

  5. Love your ear warmer! I forgot I won a cute one last year in a giveaway. I need to find it! I'll do a snow dance for you...we got a couple of inches but I don't think it's enough to get us a snow day.

  6. I totally agree with you that C & Beckham would be fast friends! What a fun weekend. Looks right up Snyder ally.
    We met Santa too this weekend and I was also shocked by the braveness of my cute boy and bought all pictures sold to help me remember the sweet moment. I LOVE this post.

  7. so THAT'S why everyone had those green ears at Wally World today! :)

  8. Snow days are the BEST! I hope you get one tomorrow!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful winter weekend! Hoping you have a snow day too- that would be great! The Santa picture of them talking melts my heart- what a great time of year!

  10. it seems like every county has school called off! i hope you got lucky too :)

  11. I also love your headband/ear warmer thingy! Please tell us where you bought it! And I can't believe you cried at the Santa visit! The pics are too precious....I guess I may have cried too if it was me. :)

  12. We saw you guys at the trains, but you were too far away to say hi and we didn't want to lose our precious spot in line. Looks like you guys had as much fun as we did downtown!

    Cute family = cute pics!

  13. This looks like the perfect winter weekend! And you seem like such a fun mom...ready to be goofy at a moments notice!

  14. If you get some snow please send it east!! You guys are too cute and I'm obsessed with that ear warmer, where did you get it?

  15. I love your flower headband/ear warmer! So cute!!! Where did you find it???

    Amy :-)


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