Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bon Voyage!

As many of you know, the entire K crew left this morning for a relaxing week in the Carribbean. As most of you also know, me, B, and Baby B were supposed to depart this morning along with them. However, we decided that with Baby B being so new to the world it might not be the best idea to take him cruising just yet. We took a raincheck on this cruise and have been promised by Gramma and Papa K that we will venture upon the seas in the future when Baby B is a little older.

It was a little bittersweet dropping the entire fam off at the airport this morning. Everyone was excited - even at 5am! Soph seemed a little overwhelmed, belted snuggly into her stroller, clad with paci and Puppy for comfort. Chels and Matt have promised to video during the trip so we can see all of the goings-on and memories we would otherwise miss out on. B and I have been promised souvenirs from the islands - a dress for me and a bottle of Tanqueray Ten for him.

**Update - the crew just landed safely in San Juan (1:30pm).**

In the mean time, B and I will enjoy our "stay-cation" with Baby B. B took off this week to stay at home with us, so we're looking forward to swimming at the M's pool, visiting with Nana and Papa M, dining out, and enjoying our time as a new little family.

So, Bon Voyage K Crew - we will miss you and are already anxiously anticipating your return!

And here is a pic of Baby B after bathtime today. He he he!

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