Friday, July 11, 2008

Two Weeks Already?

Sweet Baby B is two weeks old today, and is the most precious child ever (sigh).

Here's what I can tell you about him:

He is B's mini-me. From his adorable dimples, to his dark, spiky hair, to the same facial expressions, he is all B. Good thing I have a good-lookin' husband, huh?

He loves to snuggle up against your chest like a little bug. And will stay there, contentedly, for hours.

He has a great set of lungs and a big mouth (he certainly may have inherited that from his mommy...).

He's a great napper - another trait from his daddy ;)

His favorite story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. (Though I will soon introduce him to my favorite Kevin Henkes characters, along with Doreen Cronin's crew.)

His favorite music group is the Dave Matthews Band. Obviously.

He can pee upwards out of his diaper. This certainly must be a talent. The diaper doesn't even get wet. Amazing.

He's totally a boob man. Not that he really has a choice since breastmilk is the entree du jour day after day.

He loves the Baby Bjorn (a.k.a. "man-pouch") and the sling I just received in the mail courtesy of my Gramma K.

He is terribly photogenic, as evidenced by the myriad of pictures suddenly taking up space on my hard drive.

Quit growing up so quick, Baby B!


  1. What a CUTIE! Can't wait to be "formally" introduced in August!

    (Super) Great Aunt Debbie :)

  2. He is so adorable! I LOVE reading your blog. You're very entertaining! You should write a book or something. We can't wait to meet Baby B!

  3. Love all of these sweet pics. He is a photogenic little guy. Keep em' coming!


Babble back y'all