Friday, July 18, 2008

Life, Liberty, Beaches, & Pie OR Why My Husband is Awesome!

Yesterday, after a luxurious meal at Cracker Barrel (because what's a vacation without going to Cracker Barrel?!), B gave me a wonderful surprise - two boxes of gifts he had shipped from Cherry Republic! This included two bottles of cherry wine (red and sangria), chocolate covered cherries, cherry trailmix, cherry candies, dried cherries, and cherry gummies. How ironic is it that I just mentioned in yesterday's post how much I missed visiting Cherry Republic?

B and Baby B testing out a rocker at Cracker Barrel

B also surprised me with a gift for Baby B - a Redwings layette! This included a Wings outfit, booties, hat, and NHL bear. What's with the Michigan-themed gifts, you ask? B said, and I quote, "If we couldn't go to Michigan, I wanted to bring Michigan to you..."

All together now: "awwwwwwwwww...."

Isn't he great?! (He actually tried to get me a bag from Haystacks and a picture from Mary Frey too, but couldn't get them to email him back.)

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