Thursday, July 17, 2008

A New Generation

Yesterday, the S Family, my mom's side of the family, welcomed a new little one into the world. My cousin, Kris, had a little baby girl - Maleah. This is the third second-cousin added to the brood in the past three months! Now there are four - Soph, Paisley, Baby B, and Maleah. Baby B's a little outnumbered, as you can see. And I truly think the fifth addition (coming January 2009) will likely be a girl too!

I can't wait for Baby B to meet his new cousins in August. A church full of babies is surely not what Dylan and Annie bargained for when they planned their wedding though! We'll apologize now for the pew pacing we'll be doing during your vows...

And can you imagine our G-burg vacation next year?!?! It's going to be overrun with toddlers!!!

Anyway, congrats Kris (and Liba, Beba, Aunt Heather, Uncle Brad, and Aunt Bre!).

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