Thursday, July 17, 2008

Missing Michigan

This time last year, you wouldn't have found the entire K crew cruisin' the Carribbean - instead you would have found us walking the streets of Glen Arbor, Leland, Suttons Bay, and Traverse City. We'd be poolside at The Homestead or sipping icy cold cherry lemonade at Cherry Republic. Dinner on Sunday would have been at The Bluebird with Aunt Ann and Uncle Chris. B and I would venture into the studio of Mary Frey in Leland looking for another painting to add to our collection. We'd shop Fishtown looking for souvenirs sporting the tugboat emblem. And if it were 5-o-clock, you would find Gramma and Papa situated in "their" chairs, drinks in hand, awaiting for the rest of the family to trickle in from the beach to join them for cocktail hour at the Giza. Excursions to Pyramid Point would be planned, and we'd debate whether or not we'd be eating at Boonedock's on Friday night. And then it'd be Saturday and we'd all be wondering where the week went.

Our trips Up North have been a staple in my life since I was a little older than Baby B. It's so strange not to be there this week, seeing family that I usually only see once a year. And while Staycation 2008 really has been a blessing for our new family, I will anticipate our return to our Up North summer home in July 2009, and the new memories we will make with Baby B as we stroll around the beachtowns with him.
Until then, I will reminisce with these pics taken last year...

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