Thursday, July 17, 2008

Staycation Day 5

Nothing too interesting to blog about today, so here's what we did on Staycation Day 5...

Since Baby B's umbilical cord finally made it's grand exit (amen), we were finally able to bathe him in the big blue tubby. No more sponge baths for you Baby Boy! As the pictures attest, he HATED bathtime. Can't say that I blame him considering he was probably a bit chilly since he wasn't fully submerged. Though we may have had PBJs and Pringles for dinner last night, our dessert was pretty spectacular. Betcha can't find Graeter's in the middle of the Carribbean, now can ya??? Baby B insisted that I have a Peachberry Sundae, and who am I to argue with a demanding infant? So, I indulged him and ordered this delightful seasonal specialty, while B stuck to the old chocolate shake staple. Afterwards, we visited Nana and Papa M's house where B played a hole in their backyard. Look at that swing!This is Baby B with Uncle Packy. Too cute!


  1. Uncle Packy will undoubtedly be an awesome uncle.

  2. I'm so impressed with how much you guys are doing! We went out to eat (for the first time!)when Josh was about a month old. Just after we placed our order he starts crying and Uncle Doug goes into "panic mode". We were out of there in 5 minutes flat! Needless to say, we didn't try that again until Josh was old enough for Big Ed's. As you know, you can't hear ANYTHING in that place! Well, off to see the new addition.

    Aunt Debbie

  3. Oh Abby, not sure what I am doing but I might have pushed the enter too soon... anyways... we miss you! All of you. That little B is sooo cute (Big B it too!) It's a rainy day and the women are playing Hand & Foot. I arrived to late so I decided to check my e-mail. What a cool thing you are doing! And I get to see pics too. I am almost through one memory card and will work on my second one tonight. Wish I knew how to send you a pic. Formal night tonight. You BOY cousins look so adorable in their tuxes. Jake's first time since he was 2 years old in his Aunt's wedding.

    Tomorrow we go to St. Marteen. It's a pretty cool island and your Aunt Ann has a cabana boy all ready for us at the beach. Not sure if we'll hit the topless beach!

    Can't wait until you hear the stories of your silly uncles up on the stage. Your Uncle Bo really outdid himself this time. His new name is Pirate Dave and he has some great dance moves.

    Give all a kiss for me! Miss you LOTS!

    Aunt Cindy

  4. Patrick, I heard Chippendales was hiring dancers downtown sometime soon. Now you'll be able to put that god-awful, diamond encrusted, black leather g-string to use. ha!



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