Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Random Musings...

As new parents, one of the first things we're asked in regards to Baby B is: how's he sleeping? Well, up until last night, Baby B was doing exceptionally well in the sleeping department, feeding between 10 and 1am and then not waking up until 5 or 6am. So, of course, last night the little stinker was up crying loudly at 3am wondering where his mid-night feeding was. I know, this is normal...but he was doing so well! I guess that's what I get for bragging.

In other news, Staycation Day Four was relatively bland. We visited Papa M at work and showed Baby B off to B's fellow employees.

B had his hair cut and then we went to Meijer for diapers and Barnes and Nobles in pursuit of a book that of course wasn't in stock. However, the smoothies we bought from the Starbucks within B&N made it worth the trip. We topped the day off with takeout from Applebees courtesy of a giftcard from Auntie Allison. Thanks, Al! (I'm determined not to cook this week since we are on staycation!)

Oh, and we've found some sound entertainment for this weekend via this advertisement located in the parking lot of Meijer. We're rooting for Stamp Licker. Ahem, Stamp Lickage. So classy. He he he :)

We received this card in the mail from my mom. The resemblance to Baby B is hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Dang! Wish we wuz closer. Ya'll know how we-uns in the south just luuuuv our 'wrasslin. ;)

    Aunt Debbie P.

    P.S. Am I the only one who finds it odd that it's being held in the "Shimmer Ballroom"? How funny!


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