Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

Top Ten Favorite Time Wasters
  1. Doodling. Oh, how I love a good Sharpie and a blank piece of paper. Pure. Bliss.
  2. Blog stalking. I could read about other people's lives for hours upon end. I'm nosy, what can I say?
  3. Walking. (or waddling...still. I don't think my hip joints are ever going to recover.)
  4. Reading. Love me some good summer novels. Jane Green. Sophie Kinsella. Judy Blume. Megan McCafferty. Ann Brashares.
  5. Window shopping. Any store, any time, any place. I just enjoy looking. Okay, I buy things. Sometimes.
  6. Napping with Baby B.
  7. Two words: Celebrity. Gossip.
  8. Bake sweet things that are soooo not good for my get-back-to-pre-baby-body diet.
  9. Visit with my momma and/or my sisters.
  10. House hunting. No, we're not looking to move any time soon, but how fun is it to browse through all the current listings and dream? This habit combines my love of window shopping with my nosiness. He he he.

And, per request, here is the original pic of Baby B before he was Warholized. Isn't he darling?


  1. What a great picture! He looks so different! His hair and eyes are light (they look it in this picture). He's a cutie!

  2. You should get that one enlarged! It is precious!

    Aunt Debbie P.

  3. I think my top ten list would be identical!!! Can't wait to meet this little stud muffin next Friday.


Babble back y'all