Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Good Title Comes to Mind

Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.
- Will Ferrell as Frank, Old School

This quote pretty much sums up this past weekend at the M household. In fact, I think we've been to Home Depot, um, 5 days in a row. And, we're totally going back tonight. We just can't get enough. Actually, we decided to do some much needed updates to the outside of our home. We re-landscaped, and are replacing our storm door, shutters, and mailbox. I'll have to post some before and after photos eventually.

I spent Saturday and Sunday planting and mulching. This is the second time we've mulched this year. The first batch of mulch petered out to a very dull, unmulchy color about a week after we laid it. Annoying. B spent Saturday and Sunday digging a moat, I mean edging. Here he is looking super proud of his impressive moat-digging skills:

Are you going to put crocodiles in there???

Yesterday was a great day. Why? Because Starbucks was giving away FREE Vivanno Smoothies if you showed your gym membership! I love me some free, so I called my momma, Chels, and Soph and we all met up for these deliciously FREE treats. And, guess what? They're going to be FREE every Tuesday! Can't beat that.

Soph, totally thinking she's taking a picture of me. Cutiepie.

I also bought some new decorating accessories from Kirkland's for jazzing up the living room. They have great sales there. Might do some thrifting today to see if I can find some other goodies for bee-yoo-tifying the home on a budget.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


  1. You should become a writer Abby; you are very good at it.
    Aunt Debbie S.

  2. A man and his yard; it's a beautiful thing!

    Aunt Debbie P.


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