Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everybody's Working for the Weekend...

Hello, hello!

It's Wednesday which means that tomorrow is Thursday, and we are another day closer to the weekend. (Start humming Loverboy's '80s hit here - everybody's working for the weekend...). I'm sooooo ready for Saturday. Or Friday at 11:41am to be more specific.

I finished my door. Whatcha think? The kids don't have a clue what Wicked is, but, ya know, this was more about my passion for it than anything. And at least I didn't have to relate it to Core Content (ugh, gag me with a spoon), or create a rubric for it. The word "Wickedly" is bedazzled with green glitter - a skill I perfected making banners as an ADPi. (Now B's gagging). The kids are all making their best "spooky" face in the pictures. Adorable. They judge tomorrow. There are three categories - most creative, cutest, and spookiest. I'll let you know if a ribbon winds up next to my door. Not that I want to win or anything...

The Fall Festival is Friday night, and B is going to bring Baby B up in his Great Pumpkin costume. B said he wishes there was an adult-sized pumpkin costume because he would totally wear it. Does that make him a great dad or a big nerd??? (He he he. Just kidding, B. I love ya.)

Also, check out my good friend Katie's engagement photos. If you scroll down to October 20th you'll see her and her fiance, Scott. Her photographer is incredible. Can't wait for the wedding!!!
And, lastly, here's the big man in his exersaucer. SO CUTE. I'm kinda obsessed with him.

1 comment:

  1. Your door is "wickedly" cute! I hope you won at least one of the ribbons. I also noticed the "trick or treat" paper in the background of Becks pic, so neat that you are changing it out for the holidays. Can't wait to see pics of Becks in his Great Pumpkin costume. We have a triceratops, Tinkerbell, and Pocahontas!


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