Saturday, October 25, 2008


One more week of school before we get another mini-Fall Break. A lovely four day weekend. Then fifteen school days until Thanksgiving. WHERE HAS 2008 GONE?

I think because I spent the first half of the year waiting for the love-of-my-life to arrive, and then the second half of the year falling head-over-heels in love with him, the days have just slipped away. Fortunately, I really do feel like I enjoy every day immensely and can rest easy at night knowing that I have lived each day to its fullest (and because Baby B is snoozling peacefully next to me in his pack-n-play. Did I just admit that? Yes, he's still sleeping in our room...sometimes in bed with us. Did I just admit that? Don't be mad. He will eventually sleep in his very own crib, and there's no possible way I'd ever roll over on him because I am THE lightest sleeper ever. His breath is enough to awake me. Not kidding.)

Here are some things making me happy this Saturday...
Baby B wearing his silly goose hat.
This GORGEOUS necklace that my dear husband gave me for Sweetest Day. LOVE IT with a capital L-O-V-E.
Sophie's Halloween cuteness.

Sleeping Baby B in my arms. Baby B as the Great Pumpkin.
Now you can have a Happy Saturday, too!


  1. There must have been some "hanging chads" in TN because I TOTALLY voted for your door!!!!! I demand a recount!!! ;)

    SGA Debbie

    P.S. I have to take up for the person who squeezed Beck's cheeks! They're like little magnets!! How could anyone resist??? What a sweetie pie!!

  2. Sorry for your loss, I thought your door was very creative! Baby B looks adorable as a pumpkin!

  3. You look so beautiful in the pic with Baby B in your arms!


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