Monday, November 24, 2008

Picture Montage Numero Dos

I'm not in the mood to post anything clever or witty today. So, just take a moment to enjoy our weekend in pictures.... We just know that those choppers are going to pop in any day.

Walker's Mommy, Al, Hobbers (now Howard!), Me, & Dr. Allen

These two are going to conspire against me in the near future. I can just see the practical joking and scare tactics formulating in their brains now...
My cute lil boy.

Precious, just precious.
This is what happens when I actually do the laundry. I find babies underneath!
Me and my BFF, Allison.


  1. Baby B is so stinkin cute. I might just need to make a trip up there to see him before he gets much bigger :) Had fun this weekend and can't wait to have much more fun in January!!! :D

    Aunt Allie

  2. Auntie Allie, You are welcome anytime!


Babble back y'all